Maintaining future students setup data

Maintaining future students setup data

Some aspects of the future students function can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.

Lookup tables
See Maintaining lookup tables.

Lookup table




Campaign that an enquiry is in response to.

luEnquiryCampaign lookup table
Enquiry Student Maintenance - Source tab in the Future students manual


Used to define the types of sources of enquiry.

luEnquirySource lookup table


Used to define the status of a student's application as it is being processed. Applications begin as New, and are processed into:

  • InProcess applications
  • Waiting applications
  • Closed applications.

luEnquiryStatus lookup table


Used to assign a category to future student enrolment applications.

luFutureApplicationCategory lookup table


Used to maintain the cut-off dates for future student applications.

luFutureApplicationDates lookup table


Used to set the priority status on the Enrol Details tab of Future Student Maintenance.

luFuturePriority lookup table
Future Student Maintenance - Enrol Details tab in the Future students manual


Used to set the student's application status on the:

  • Create Future Student Application window
  • Modify Future Student Application window.

luFutureStatus lookup table
Future Student Maintenance - Applications tab in the Future students manual


Used by the crspFutureStatusChangePrint stored procedure to determine which students to include when creating mail-merge letters. The merge code entries are matched with each future student who has an application with a certain status.

luFutureStatusMerge lookup table
luFutureStatus lookup table
Printing mail merge letters using an existing document in the Future students manual


Used to specify the number of student places available for each gender, status and year level in a given enrolment year.

luFutureYearPlaces lookup table


Used to set the status of an enrolment application.

luOnlineApplicationStatus lookup table


Used to define the status of an enrolment application.

luOnlineApplicationStudentStatus lookup table


Used to set the type of an enrolment application.

luOnlineApplicationType lookup table


Used to maintain the projected, target and maximum streams, enrolments and full fee paying students for each year level and campus in a given file year.

luStudentYearEnrolments lookup table

Key configuration settings
See Maintaining configuration files.

Configuration setting




Used to determine the email text of the acknowledgement emails of applications for enrolment.

Acknowledgement configuration setting

Acknowledgement: Subject

Used to determine the subject text of the acknowledgement emails of applications for enrolment.

Acknowledgement:Subject configuration setting


Used to determine whether importing a future student creates a self contact for themselves.

AddStudentAsContact configuration setting

AgeAtApplicationDate_DisplayUsed to display an additional field on the Applications tab of Future Student Maintenance. AgeAtApplicationDate_Display configuration setting


Used to determine whether parents or applicants completing online applications are prompted to enter school preferences.

AskPreferences configuration setting

AskPreferences: AssociatedSchools/ AskPreferences: CompetitorSchools/ AskPreferences: OtherSchools

Used to determine whether parents or applicants completing online applications are prompted to enter school preferences for:

  • associated schools
  • competitor schools
  • other schools that are neither associated or competitor schools.

AskPreferences:AssociatedSchools configuration setting
AskPreferences:CompetitorSchools configuration setting
AskPreferences:OtherSchools configuration setting

AskPreferences: OtherSchools:SortOrder

Used to determine the sort order of the Other Schools field in the schools dropdown list on online applications.

AskPreferences:OtherSchools:SortOrder configuration setting

AskPreferences: OverviewText

Used to determine the text used to prompt parents or applicants to enter school preferences.

AskPreferences:OverviewText configuration setting


Used to create multiple applications for future students.

AutoGenerate configuration setting


Used to determine whether the priority of a future student's application is automatically updated or not.

AutoUpdate configuration setting


Used to set the age that the majority of students are when they begin their graduation year.

AgeIntoGraduationYear configuration setting


Used to determine the Contact Us details displayed on the online application portal dashboard.

Dashboard:ContactUs configuration setting


Used to set the day of the month that students are eligible to start at your organisation.

DayCutOff configuration setting

DefaultFilter: ApplicationStatus

Used to set the default Application Status to filter applications on the Process Online Applications window.

DefaultFilter:ApplicationStatus configuration setting

DefaultFilter:PaidStatusUsed to determine whether online applications that require payment are filtered based on payment status when they are imported using the Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import window.DefaultFilter_PaidStatus configuration setting


Used to determine whether the LivesWithFlag is selected by default when online applications are submitted without the field selected.

Defaults:LivesWithFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the NormalMailFlag is selected by default when online applications are submitted without the field selected.

Defaults:NormalMailFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the ParentFlag is selected by default when online applications are submitted without the field selected.

Defaults:ParentFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the PrimaryOnlyFlag is selected by default when online applications are submitted without the field selected.

Defaults:PrimaryOnlyFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the ReportsFlag is selected by default when online applications are submitted without the field selected.

Defaults:ReportsFlag configuration setting


Used to set the default title for female students in Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import when there is no title set in the XML import file.

DefaultTitle:Female configuration setting


Used to set the default title for male students in Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import when there is no title set in the XML import file.

DefaultTitle:Male configuration setting


Used to determine the description assigned to attachments transferred to DocMan when applications are transferred to Future Student Maintenance.

DocMan:Description configuration setting


Used to determine the source code assigned to attachments transferred to DocMan when applications are transferred to Future Student Maintenance.

DocMan:SourceCode configuration setting


Used to determine whether an attempt is made to add courses automatically when creating a new future student.

FutureStudents:AutoAddCourse configuration setting
Create New Future Student - Enrol Details window in the Future students manual


Used to determine whether the Applications tab of Future Student Maintenance is the master tab or not. This in turn determines whether the fields in the 2nd- and 3rd Choice Enrolment areas are available for use on the Supplemental tab.

IsMaster configuration setting


Used to set the maximum age that a student can be when starting at your organisation.

MaximumStartingAge configuration setting


Used to set the minimum age that a student needs to be before they can start at your organisation.

MinimumStartingAge configuration setting


Used to set the month that students are eligible to start at your organisation.

MonthCutOff configuration setting


Used to define the email address displayed when sending enrolment application acknowledgement emails.

OnlineApplications:Email:FromAddress configuration setting


Used to determine the sender name when sending enrolment application acknowledgement emails.

OnlineApplications:Email:FromName configuration setting


Used to define the community member's ID that is used as a reference in receipts online for online enrolment applications.

OnlineApplications:ReceiptsOnline:ID configuration setting


Used to determine whether the collection section of the Future Enrolment Details Confirmation report is displayed.

ShowCollectionSection configuration setting


Used to determine whether the confidential section of the Future Enrolment Details Confirmation report is displayed.

ShowConfidentialSection configuration setting


Used to determine whether the court order section of the Future Enrolment Details Confirmation report is displayed.

ShowCourtOrderSection configuration setting


Used to set whether students from online applications are transferred to Enquiry Student Maintenance or Future Student Maintenance.

StudentTransferMode configuration setting


Create custom icons to display important information at all times on maintenance screens.

Maintaining custom maintenance window icons