Creating custom alert icons

Creating custom alert icons

You can use custom icons to display important information at all times on a maintenance window. Custom icons are linked to either:

  • a field within the program
  • an SQL function.

You can display up to ten custom icons in a maintenance window.
Custom icons are also displayed in the Attendance window. See IconAlertsDisplay configuration setting in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.


Creating a custom icon linked to a field
To create or edit a custom icon that is linked to a field in the maintenance window:

  1. Select Module > System > Configuration File Maintenance from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Configuration File Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Find Icon.
    The CustomIcon configuration settings are displayed.
  3. Select the configuration setting you want to edit, or click to create a new one.
  4. Type in the keys from the table below.




Maintenance window the custom icon appears on. Values include:

  • StudentMaint
  • StaffMaint
  • CommunityMaint
  • FutureStudentMaint
  • PastStudentMaint.




Number of the custom icon, from 1 to 5.

Note: You can have up to five icons per maintenance window. Custom icons for the same maintenance window must not have the same number.


Name of the checkbox the custom icon connects to. For example: Staff.ActiveFlag connects to the Active Staff Member checkbox on the School tab of Staff Maintenance.

Note: If the custom icon uses an SQL function, this key is overridden.


Not used.




Full file path of the image to be used as the icon. For example:
i:\images\assorted\pin.bmp tells Synergetic to use the pin.bmp file in the *images\assorted* directory for the icon.

Creating a custom icon linked to an SQL function
To create or edit a custom icon linked to an SQL function:

  1. Select Module > System > Configuration File Maintenance from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Configuration File Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Find Icon.
    The CustomIcon configuration settings are displayed.
  3. Select the configuration setting you want to edit, or click to create a new one.
  4. Type in the keys from the table below.




Maintenance window the custom icon appears on. Values include:

  • StudentMaint
  • StaffMaint
  • CommunityMaint
  • FutureStudentMaint
  • PastStudentMaint.




Number of the custom icon, from 1 to 5.

Note: You can have up to five icons per maintenance window. Custom icons for the same maintenance window must not have the same number.


Name of the checkbox the custom icon connects to. For example: Staff.ActiveFlag connects to the Active Staff Member checkbox on the School tab of Staff Maintenance.

Note: If the custom icon uses an SQL function, this key is overridden.


Not used.




Full file path of the image to be used as the icon, and the SQL function to control whether or not the icon is displayed, separated by two pipe characters (||). For example:

SELECT dbo.ufnIsUnder18(:@ID)* tells Synergetic to:

  • use the pin.bmp image in the *images\assorted* directory for the icon
  • use the value returned by the SQL function ufnIsUnder18 to determine whether or not the icon displays
  • pass the Synergetic ID of the community member whose maintenance screen is open as a parameter to the SQL function.

    The SQL function must be a stored function that returns either 1 or 0.

Creating a custom icon linked to a navigation bar
You can create custom icons that open the relevant navigation bar when clicked. To create custom icons linked to a navigation bar:

  1. Select Module > System > Configuration File Maintenance from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Configuration File Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Find Icon.
    The CustomIcon configuration settings are displayed.
  3. Select the configuration setting you want to edit, or click  to create a new one.
  4. Type in the keys from the table below.




Maintenance window the custom icon appears on. Values include:

  • StudentMaint
  • StaffMaint
  • CommunityMaint
  • FutureStudentMaint
  • PastStudentMaint.




Number of the custom icon, from 1 to 5.

Note: You can have up to five icons per maintenance window. Custom icons for the same maintenance window must not have the same number.


Name of the checkbox the custom icon connects to. For example: Staff.ActiveFlag connects to the Active Staff Member checkbox on the School tab of Staff Maintenance.

Note: If the custom icon uses an SQL function, this key is overridden.


Not used.




Type the information in the following order, each separated by a pipe (|) character:

  1. File path of the image to be used as the icon.
  2. The text to display when the mouse is hovered over the icon
  3. The SQL function to control whether or not the icon is displayed.
  4. One pipe character (|).
  5. The name of the bar to open.

Note: Do not add spaces or extra characters such as commas or periods.

For example:
Assorted\pin.bmp|Under 18|SELECT dbo.ufnIsUnder18(:@ID)|Personal tells Synergetic to:

    • use the pin.bmp image in the Site\Images\Icons\Assorted directory for the icon

      Note: You can use directories within the Site\Images\Icons directory but you cannot specify a directory outside of Site\Images\Icons.

    • display Under 18 when the mouse hovers of the icon
    • use the value returned by the SQL function ufnIsUnder18 to determine whether or not the icon displays
    • pass the Synergetic ID of the community member whose maintenance screen is open as a parameter to the SQL function
    • open the Personal bar when the icon is clicked.

      The SQL function must be a stored function that returns either 1 or 0.



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