Customising security settings

Customising security settings

You can configure the following security settings to white list external websites for use in SynWeb.

What you can do

What you can do...See...
Define a white list of external websites used to connect to SynWeb (usually web proxies).SynWeb_ContentSecPolicy_connect-src configuration setting
Define a white list of external websites used in iframes.SynWeb_ContentSecPolicy_frame-src configuration setting
Define a white list of external websites used for image sources.SynWeb_ContentSecPolicy_img-src configuration setting
Define a white list of external websites used for scripts.SynWeb_ContentSecPolicy_script-src configuration setting
Define a white list of external websites used for stylesheets.SynWeb_ContentSecPolicy_style-src configuration setting
Determine whether AJAX calls are authorised for SynWeb/wiki/spaces/SYNWEB/pages/2290128424

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