Payroll Maintenance - Super Funds tab - Attributes sub-tab

Use the Attributes sub-tab to:

  • add super fund attributes
  • delete super fund attributes
  • modify the details of the selected super fund attribute.


 Opening the Attributes sub-tab

To open the Attributes sub-tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Super Funds tab.
    The Details sub-tab on the Super Funds tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Click the Attributes tab.
    The Attributes sub-tab of the Super Funds tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.

Payroll Maintenance - Super Funds tab - Attributes sub-tab key fields and buttons





Description of the super fund attribute.


Value of the super fund attribute.

From Date

Date from which the super fund attribute is active.

To Date

Date to which the super fund attribute is active.


Comments about the super fund attribute.




Add a new super fund attribute.

Delete the selected super fund attribute.

Common fields and buttons

Grid area fields

Note: Inactive super funds are italicised.



Fund Code

Unique code for the super fund.

Fund Description

Description of the super fund.


Whether the super fund is a self-managed super fund.

Note: You can only modify this field using the luPayrollSuperannuationFund lookup table. See luPayrollSuperannuationFund lookup table in the Finance manual.

Member Number

Member number.

Joined Date

Date the staff member joined the super fund.




Active Funds Only

Select to only display active super funds in the grid area.

Note: This field will only appear when there are inactive super funds.

KiwiSaver Status

KiwiSaver status of the payroll employee. You can select:

  • Not Selected
  • Active KS member to indicate that the payroll employee is an active KiwiSaver member
  • Contributions holiday to indicate that the payroll employee is opting to stop making contributions for a period lasting between 3 months and 5 years

Note: Payroll employees must be KiwiSaver members for 12 months before becoming eligible for contributions holidays.

  • Not eligible for KS to indicate that the payroll employee is not eligible for KiwiSaver contributions

Note: Payroll employees must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents under the age of 65 to join KiwiSaver.

  • Non-member to indicate that the payroll employee is not a KiwiSaver member
  • Opted out to indicate that the payroll employee has opted out of KiwiSaver.

Note: For information about when payroll employees can opt out of KiwiSaver, see Opting out of KiwiSaver.




Add a new super fund record.

Delete the selected super fund record.

Move the selected super fund up and down in the list.