Electronic banking

Electronic banking

Use this program to create or load a file containing electronic banking transactions for cash receipts. You can:

  • load a file of BPAY receipt information into Synergetic
  • save a file of EFT receipts for the bank to process as direct debit transactions
  • save a file of credit card receipts for the bank to process
  • load a file containing receipts received from other service providers such Securepay.

It is possible to set up each of these electronic banking programs so that the description of the transaction that displays on the statement is different from the posting description. See Create Automatic E.F.T. Receipt Posting window in the Debtors manual.

You can also use this program to create or load a file containing banking transactions for pledge receipts. See Configuring automatic pledge allocations in the Debtors manual.

Electronic banking formats

To set up banking formats, see Maintaining banking configuration files in the Finance manual.

BPAY receipts

In Australia, a file is downloaded from the bank containing BPAY reference numbers and amounts paid.

Formats supported include:

  • Australia New Zealand Bank (ANZ)
  • Bendigo Bank
  • BankWest
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
  • National Australia Bank (NAB)
  • St George Bank
  • Westpac / WBC PostBillPay.

Pay by phone or internet receipts

A file is downloaded or supplied by the organisation processing the receipts. The receipts include an account reference and the amount paid.

Formats supported include:

  • Dialect Solutions
  • National Australia Bank
  • Payway
  • Qvalent
  • SecurePay
  • Synergetic Standard Format
  • Westpac Bank.

Automatic EFT receipts (direct debits)

Synergetic produces a file to be uploaded using your bank's software, containing the details of accounts to be automatically debited by specified amounts.

The amount depends on the debtor's payment details. Either a fixed amount is debited or the debtor's current balance. See the Automatic Payments sub-tab of Debtor Maintenance - Payment Type tab in the Debtors manual.

Formats supported include:

  • AUS format for Australian banks
  • NZBNZ format for New Zealand Bank of New Zealand
  • NZMT9 format for New Zealand MT9
  • NZNBNZ format for New Zealand National Bank NZ
  • NZWBC format for New Zealand Westpac
  • OCBC format for Overseas Chinese Banking Corp.

Automatic credit card receipts

Synergetic produces a file to be uploaded using your bank's software, containing the details of credit cards to be automatically charged with specified amounts. As with direct debits, the amount depends on the debtor's payment details.

Formats supported include:

  • Australia New Zealand Bank (ANZ)
  • Bank of Western Australia (BWA)
  • Commonwealth Bank (CBA)
  • Commonwealth Bank Evolve (CBAEV)
  • Dialect Solutions (DIAL)
  • National Australia Bank (NAB)
  • NAB Transact (NABT)
  • New Zealand Bank of NZ (NZBNZ)
  • Westpac Bank (WBC).

Note: Credit card surcharges are generated for credit card transactions carried out by this method if there is an applicable surcharge. The receipt and surcharge are created the same way as if a manual transaction were created in the Debtor Cash Receipts Entry - Payment Detail tab. The surcharge amounts are set up in the luCreditCard lookup table in the Finance manual.

Other formats

Synergetic provides a standard format for uploading financial information from other institutions such as School Plan. If your financial organisation is not listed above, check if they support the Synergetic Standard Format.

For example, to import a file from School Plan choose Synergetic Standard Format (SYN) as the other electronics file type in the Bank Files tab of the Bank Configuration Maintenance window. You will now able to import the School Plan xml file through the Other Electronic Receipts process.

 Opening the Debtor Electronic Banking window

To open the Debtor Electronic Banking window:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Electronic Banking from the main menu.
    The Debtor Electronic Banking window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the debtor functions by clicking .

Debtor Electronic Banking window fields and buttons

Note: The fields displayed depend on the selected Process Type. 



Process Type

Type of EFT receipts to process. Values include:

  • BPAY Receipts
  • Automatic EFT Receipts (Direct Debits)
  • Automatic Credit Card Receipts
  • Other Electronic Receipts
  • Online Payment Gateway Receipts.

Note: When processing automatic EFT and credit card receipts the Export Warnings window displays any debtors that will be excluded from the run.

Bank Account

Bank account the electronic transfer comes from.

Process any pending online payment detail updates

Select to apply pending changes to online payment details prior to processing the selected process type.

Note: If this field is deselected, changes to online payment details are processed during nightly maintenance. Please be aware that this may cause debtors to incur a dishonour fee from their financial institution.

BPAY File Type

Type of BPAY file used for this process.

Note: This is determined by selections in Banking Configuration Maintenance. See Banking Configuration Maintenance - Bank Files tab in the Finance manual.

Card File Type

Type of credit card used for this process.

Note: This is determined by the Credit Card File Type field in Banking Configuration Maintenance. See Banking Configuration Maintenance - Bank Files tab in the Finance manual.

EFT File Type

Type of EFT file used for this process.

Note: This is determined by the EFT File Type field in Banking Configuration Maintenance. See Banking Configuration Maintenance - Bank Files tab in the Finance manual.


Type of online payment merchant used for this process. See Online Payment Maintenance - Merchants tab in the Finance manual.

Gateway Provider Code

Code for the online payment merchant.

Load from file

Browse to select the file used to manage the electronic transfer.

Note: You must specify both the location and filename for the data. For example, R:\Accounts\EFT\export_12121.txt.

Save to file

Select a location to save the file used to manage the electronic transfer.

Auto Payment methods to include

Include debtors set up with the relevant Auto Payment type:

  • Fixed Amount
  • Current Balance
  • Notified Balance.

Rename file to *.old after processing

Select this field to rename the file to filename.old after processing.


Include debtors set up with the relevant payment frequency:

  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Quarter-Yearly
  • Half-Yearly
  • Yearly.

Note: Leave this field blank to process all payments.




Browse for a location to save the electronic banking transaction file.

Launch the Select Debtor Receipts to Process window to select a prior posting for processing.

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