Debtor Fee Maintenance - General Ledger tab

Debtor Fee Maintenance - General Ledger tab

The General Ledger tab allows you to define which general ledger account or accounts the fee is allocated to.

 Opening the General Ledger tab

To open the General Ledger tab:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Fee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Debtor Fee Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the debtor functions by clicking .
  2. Enter the search criteria. See Searching in the Introduction manual for information on how to use the search tools.
  3. Click .
    The General tab of the Debtor Fee Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Click the General Ledger tab.
    The General Ledger tab of the Debtor Fee Maintenance window is displayed.

Debtor Fee Maintenance - General Ledger tab key fields and buttons

Grid area fields



G/L Code

The general ledger account code to post any transactions for this fee.
The description and tax codes come from the general ledger record.

G/L Sub Alloc

The general ledger sub-allocation code to post transactions to for this fee.
Select from the drop-down list.


The tax code can be altered for this fee code, if required.


Adjust the percentage, if posting to more than one account.
The total of all percentages must add up to 100.




Launch into General Ledger Maintenance to add or edit general ledger codes.

Add a new general ledger code for this fee to be allocated to.

Insert a general ledger allocation above the selected line.

Delete the general ledger allocation of this fee to the highlighted general ledger code.