Maintaining community members

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do…


You can:

  • List all constituencies that the community member is associated with.
  • Add to a user-defined constituency. Modify and delete from user-defined constituencies.

Community Maintenance - Constits tab

Maintain personal details.

Community Maintenance - Name tab

Maintain home address details.

Community Maintenance - Home Address tab

Specify postal address details for mailing purposes.

Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab

Maintain home phone and email details.

Community Maintenance - Phone tab

Maintain phone and email details used during business hours.

Community Maintenance - Occupation tab

Specify occupation (work) address details.

Community Maintenance - Occupation Address tab

Maintain summary information about education received and qualifications achieved.

Community Maintenance - Education tab

You can:

  • list qualifications attained from training providers
  • maintain qualifications.

Community Maintenance - Qualifications tab

Keep a record of any skills of community members that can be of use to your organisation.

Community Maintenance - Skills tab

Maintain information about:

  • date, country of birth and nationality
  • languages used at home
  • religion and parish
  • maiden name or suffix
  • overriding default mail addressing and salutation formats
  • barcoding and login details used on campus.

Community Maintenance - Other tab

View and update attributes for the community member.

Community Maintenance - Attributes tab

You can:

  • list close relationships
  • add new relations
  • perform functions for the selected relation, including maintaining relationships and details, and communicating with them.

Community Maintenance - Relations tab

You can:

  • specify whether the community member receives particular types of correspondence
  • record the death of a community member.

Community Maintenance - Flags tab

Maintain the methods you use to communicate with the community member.

Community Maintenance - Notify Methods tab

You can:

  • review the events that community members are currently attending
  • add community members to an existing event and maintain their details.

Community Maintenance - Current Events tab

Review and update details about past events that the community member has attended.

Community Maintenance - Events tab


  • communications with community members that have yet to be sent
  • notification methods for the donor or prospect.
    Also see Maintaining communications in the Development manual.

Community Maintenance - Current Comms tab

Maintain communications that have been sent to community members. Also see Maintaining communications in the Development manual.

Community Maintenance - Comms tab

Record general and biographical comments.

Community Maintenance - Notes/Bio tab

You can:

  • view the most recent photo
  • flag what permissions have been received to utilise the photo in your organisation's external communications.

Community Maintenance - Photo tab

You can:

  • view the community members living at the same household address identifier
  • create a new address record
  • move selected community members to another address.

Community Maintenance - Household tab

You can:

  • list vehicles and add a new vehicle
  • allocate parking spaces for vehicles used by your organisation.

Community Maintenance - Vehicles tab

You can:

  • maintain existing loans
  • create new loans
  • maintain bookings for planned lending of objects
  • create new bookings.

Community Maintenance - Objects tab

You can:

  • view sales made to a community member
  • reprint the sales docket for a previous sale.

Community Maintenance - Sales tab

Maintain keys allocated to community members.

Community Maintenance - Keys tab

View the audit trail of community information, including name and address details.

Community Maintenance - Maint tab

Define your own tabs or programs within Synergetic.

Community Maintenance - User Forms tab

Maintain documents, pictures and spreadsheets.

Community Maintenance - DocMan tab

Maintain visa and passport information.

Community Maintenance - International tab

You can:

  • view communications sent to the community member by email and SMS
  • view attachments of emails sent to the community member
  • view documents uploaded to the community member's DocMan tab
  • import emails from Microsoft Outlook by dragging and dropping.

Community Maintenance - Correspondence tab

Maintain company contact details for a company record type.

Community Maintenance - Company tab

Maintain company addresses for a company record type.

Community Maintenance - Company Address tab

Maintain community links to the IDAM (Identity and Access Manager) database.

Community Maintenance - IDAM tab

View action centre tasks or notifications linked to the selected community member.

Community Maintenance - Action Centre tab

Maintain community member details confirmed online using the My Details tab of the Community Portal.Community Maintenance - Confirm Details tab

Maintain child safety checks linked to the selected community member.

Community Maintenance - Checks tab

Maintain details of community member involvement with students at your organisation.

Community Maintenance - Involvement tab