Community Overview

The Community module allows you to enter and maintain information about the members of your organisation's community, including:

  • students
  • teachers
  • parents
  • suppliers.

Note: When you change any information a save prompt is displayed at the top of the screen .

Note: Basic user information for the currently selected record is displayed at the top of the Community window. 

Every member of the Synergetic community database is represented:

  • As an individual community member with all of their information. See Maintaining community members in the Synergetic Community manual.
  • As a member of various constituencies. See Constituencies in the Synergetic Community manual.
  • In terms of their relationships with other individuals. See Relations in the Synergetic Community manual.

Note: Relationships represent how one member of the community relates to another. Constituencies define how community members relate to your organisation. For example, the community member can be a student, staff member or debtor.

Most people associated with your organisation are created as community members with a Synergetic ID number. The Synergetic ID number stays with the community member throughout their involvement with your organisation.
Name and address information is always held with the community member. Other Synergetic applications refer to the contact details held in the community record. If you update a community member's record, the changes made in the community database are applied throughout the Synergetic application.

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do…


View Action Centre tasks or notifications linked to the selected community member.

Community Maintenance - Action Centre bar

You can:

  • List all constituencies that the community member is associated with.
  • Add to a user-defined constituency. Modify and delete from user-defined constituencies.

Community Maintenance - Constits bar

Enter and maintain the community member's communications.

Maintain documents, pictures and spreadsheets.

Community Maintenance - DocMan bar

Maintain summary information about education received and qualifications achieved.

Use to:

  • specify whether the community member receives particular types of correspondence
  • record the death of a community member.

Maintain home address details.

Community Maintenance - Home Address bar

Maintain community links to the IDAM (Identity and Access Manager) database.

Community Maintenance - IDAM bar

Maintain keys allocated to the community member.

Maintain personal details.

Community Maintenance - Name bar

Use to enter and maintain the community member's:

  • occupation details
  • business hours' phone and email contacts.

Maintain phone and email details used during business hours.

Specify occupation (work) address details.

Use to maintain information about a community member, including:

  • date and country of birth, nationality and language used in birth country
  • religion and parish
  • maiden name
  • suffix such as Junior or Senior
  • overriding default mail addressing and salutation formats
  • barcoding and login details used on campus.

Maintain home phone and email details.

Community Maintenance - Phone bar

Use to:

  • view the most recent photo of the community member
  • review the details of when the photo was updated
  • indicate whether the community member has given permission to use the photo in your organisation's external communications.

Specify postal address details for mailing purposes.

Use to:

  • List qualifications attained from training providers.
  • Add qualifications. See Adding qualifications.
  • Modify and delete qualifications.

Community Maintenance - Qualifications bar

You can:

  • list close relationships
  • add new relations
  • perform functions for the selected relation, including maintaining relationships and details, and communicating with them.

Community Maintenance - Relations bar

Use to:

  • list vehicles associated with a community member
  • add a new vehicle and update the previous vehicle record as it is no longer current
  • allocate parking spaces for vehicles used by your organisation.