Processing the NZMOE Attendance Survey

Processing the NZMOE Attendance Survey

You can process the NZMOE Attendance Survey to submit student attendance data to the NZMOE.

Selection criteria

  • Classes are included when they are held during a period with the Attendance Entry field selected on the Timetable Definition tab of Timetable Maintenance. See Timetable Maintenance - Timetable Definition tab.
  • Classes for which Attendance is not marked are included, but the students that took the class are listed with blank attendance codes and an error message is displayed in the quick report
  • Classes without a timetabled staff member must be excluded by setting the ShowClassesWithNoStaffFlag configuration setting to False. See ShowClassesWithNoStaffFlag configuration setting.
  • Cancelled classes are not included.
  • NZMOE Absence Type record for Present must have a SynergyMeaning of PRESENT. See luAbsenceType lookup table.

To process the NZMOE Attendance Survey:

  1. Open the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - MOE tab.
    The MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.

  2. Select Attendance Survey radio button under Process Type.
    The Attendance Survey panel is displayed.

  3. Select the Year.
  4. Select the Term.
  5. Select the Campus.

     Selecting the campus automatically populates the School Number and School Name fields with the values defined using the NZ MOE SchoolNumber and NZ MOE SchoolName configuration settings. Campus may be blank. See:

    NZ MOE SchoolName configuration setting.
    SchoolName configuration setting (NZMOE)SchoolNumber configuration setting (NZMOE).

    Important: You can configure the NZMOE SchoolName and NZMOE SchoolNumber configuration settings for schools with a single school name and number or schools with multiple school names and numbers for different campuses. Where multiple campuses are used, you must process the Attendance Survey file for each campus. 

  6. Select the start date of the survey using the Survey Start field.
  7. Select the end date of the survey using the Survey End field.
  8. Click .
    The Select Folder window is displayed.

  9. Select the folder where the .csv version of the Attendance Survey will be saved.
  10. Click .
  11. Click .
    The Attendance Survey is processed.

    Note: The following warnings are displayed when the system encounters an error.

     MOE tab Attendance Survey - Process Can't Run Warnings

    Process can't Run warnings

    Warning messageRelated fieldSee...
    You must enter a value for School Number.School NumberSchoolNumber configuration setting (NZMOE)
    School Number must be a number.School NumberSchoolNumber configuration setting (NZMOE)
    You must enter a value for School Name.School NameSchoolName configuration setting (NZMOE)
    School Name may consist of alphanumeric, brackets, and apostrophes only.School NameSchoolName configuration setting (NZMOE)
    Both Survey Start and End Dates must be provided, and Survey End Date is to be after Survey Start Date.

    Survey Start Date

    Survey End Date

    Import_Export Student Data - MOE tab
    You must enter a value for directory.DirectoryImport_Export Student Data - MOE tab
  12. Either:

    • Errors and warnings are detected.

       The quick report is displayed.

        - Review the errors and warnings

     Attendance Survey Data Errors and Warnings

    Attendance Survey export errors and warnings


    Error MessageDescriptionSee...
    Period X for Student <Student ID #> on DD/MM/YYYY has no Attendance CodeClass attendance has not been marked for this student.  Check the attendance roll for this day.Class attendance
    Attendance Code for Period X for <Student ID #> on DD/MM/YYYY is invalidThe Attendance Code is not valid as defined by NZ MOE.  NZ MOE documentation for the Attendance Survey.
    Student is missing Ethnicity 1Ethnic Group 1 field is not populated for the selected student.Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab
    dd/mm/yyyy - Period x has no attendance code

    Check the student's attendance for the indicated period.


    • Attendance has not been recorded for the student for the indicated period
    • Absence code used has not been populated into the External System Code column of the luAbsenceType lookup table.

    Note: The Attendance Survey requires the Code and External System Code columns of the luAbsenceType lookup table to have matching values.

    Attendance window

    luAbsenceType lookup table


    Warning MessageDescriptionSee...
    <Student ID #> is missing GenderGender field is not populated for the selected student.Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab
    <Student ID #> gender not mapped in Interface Settings

    Gender of the selected student is not mapped to an NZMOE value in Interface Settings.

    To resolve this issue, map the luGender lookup table values to the NZMOE values using the NZMOE external system of the Interface Settings window

    Using the Interface Settings window

    <Student ID #>is missing Student Type

    Student type field is not recorded for the selected student.Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab

    <Student ID #>FTE is 0

    FTE field has a value of 0 for the selected student.Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab

    <Student ID #>FTE is greater than 1

    FTE field has a value greater than 1 for the selected student. Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab
    <Student ID #>is active at school but has no AttendanceThis student is active in the Term / Semester but has no attendance at your organisation between the entered Survey Start and Survey End dates.
    DD/MM/YYYY – [Period Desc] – Timetabled Class with no Staff member assigned - has no Attendance Code

    There is a timetabled class with no assigned staff member and the ShowClassesWithNoStaffFlag is set to True.

    To resolve the issue, either:

    • set the configuration setting value to False; or
    • mark Attendance.
    ShowClassesWithNoStaffFlag configuration setting

        - Close the quick report.

    • Errors and warnings are not detected.

    The Confirm window is displayed.

  13. You can click:

     when you are:

       - Submitting the report and errors and warnings have been detected. Resolve the errors and repeat steps 1 through 12.
       - Validating the report data without submitting the survey to NZMOE.

     when you are submitting to NZMOE and errors and warnings have not been detected.

    The Attendance Survey is processed.

Once the Attendance Survey is processed the Attendance Survey

  • CSV file is created and saved to the specified file directory.
  • XML data is created and sent to the NZMOE.

    Exporting the NZMOE Attendance Survey is complete.

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