Class attendance
Class attendance
Teachers typically either:
- mark the roll in the morning and in the afternoon
- mark student attendances for each of the classes they take during the day.
So that class attendance is recorded, and depending on how your organisation does this, teachers can either:
- Send their class list of attendances to the office. The administration person then enters attendance data into Synergetic.
- Send their absence slips to the office for the Attendance Officer or administration person to enter into Synergetic.
- Enter the class attendances directly into Synergetic themselves. See Recording class attendances - Teachers.
Attendance Officer / Teacher modes
You can configure Synergetic to differentiate between the Attendance Officer and a teacher entering attendances into Synergetic. By default, the Attendance Officer/Teacher modes are turned off.
If this feature is turned on, two modes appear on the Attendance window:
- Attendance Officer
- Teacher.
When attendances are entered:
- centrally using the Attendance Officer mode, any reasons entered for absences are treated definitively by Synergetic
- by teachers using the Teacher mode, reasons entered for absences are treated as possibilities by Synergetic.
How to:
Use the Attendance window to:
- Search for existing attendance records. See Searching for attendance records.
- Record class attendances, if you are a teacher. See Recording class attendances - Teachers.
- Record class attendances, if you are an Attendance Officer. See Recording class attendances - Attendance Officers.
- Record multi-period class attendances. See Recording class attendances - multi-periods.
- Check for classes that have not had their attendances marked yet. See Checking for classes not yet marked.
- Correcting a present student's attendance record when they were inadvertently marked absent. See Correcting a present student's attendance.
- Reverse the earlier submission of attendance or nonattendance records. See Reversing a class attendance submission.
What you can do:
What you can do... | See... |
Mark students who are: