Attendance Overview

Attendance Overview


You can use SynWeb to record student attendances to meet the needs of:

  • your organisation
  • the government department that needs information from your organisation, particularly for attendance and truancy matters.

You can:

New Zealand schools have particular requirements, governed by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. See Attendance codes for New Zealand schools.

Synergetic Windows client

Synergetic and SynWeb are complementary programs using a common database. For example, any attendance records created in SynWeb are available to update in Synergetic and vice versa. The two main advantages of SynWeb are that:

  • SynWeb is available using a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari
  • the Synergetic client does not need to be installed on your PC if you only need the functions available from SynWeb.

Absence event records are created for any absent students. These need to be followed up by the Attendance Officer, or the person in a similar role at your organisation, in Synergetic.

Any functions available in SynWeb are also available in Synergetic, except staff substitutions. However, not all Synergetic functions are available in SynWeb. See the Synergetic Attendance and absence events manual for information on the following tasks:

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