Recording class attendances
Recording class attendances
You can record attendances for students using SynWeb.
To record class attendances in SynWeb:
- Select Students > Attendance Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
The Attendance Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed.
Tip: You can also open the Attendance Maintenance window for a class by clicking on the class in the My Timetable / Attendances grid on the Home window.
- Select your attendance mode:
• If you select Teacher, SynWeb treats any information about absences as possible until the Attendance Officer, or person with a similar role, confirms the details of the absence event.
• If you select Attendance Officer, SynWeb treats any information about absences as definite.
Note: These options are dependent on the security setup at your organisation.
Note: See the Synergetic Attendance and absence events manual for information about functions available to Attendance Officers.
- Search for the class. See Searching for attendance records.
A list of classes matching your search criteria is displayed. - Select the Class launch link of the class you are marking attendances for.
Note: If your organisation is configured to use multi-period classes and the class you have selected is a multi-period, you may be asked whether you want to mark attendance for both periods. See Recording class attendances - multi-periods in the Synergetic Attendance manual.
Tip: You can click on one of the other fields in the same row if you prefer.
The Attendance Maintenance window is displayed. See Attendance Maintenance window.
Tip: Depending on your organisation's settings you may be able to enter attendance before the class has started. See AllowFutureEntry configuration setting and BeforeClassStartsMinutes configuration setting in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
- Select
Note: You can mark a late student as absent, depending on your organisation's policy. For example, less than five minutes late is considered present and more than 15 minutes late is considered absent. SynWeb can be configured to create an absence event when you enter a late arrival time. See Maintaining attendance configuration settings in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
in the Attended field next to an absent student. - If you know the details of the absence, select the Absence Type from the Poss Tchr Type drop-down list.
- Record any comments in the Poss Tchr Description field to assist the Attendance Officer with following up any explained absences.
- Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each absent student.
- If a student arrives late:
• select the Late Arr. field for the student
• type the student's arrival time in the field next to it.
Note: SynWeb defaults to the current time.
- If a student leaves early:
• select the Early Dep. field for the student
• type the student's departure time in the field next to it. - Repeat steps 8 and 9 for all students who arrive late or leave early.
- Mark any of the user-defined flags. For example Homework received.
Up to five user-defined flags can be set up. See Attendance Maintenance window. - Click
The Confirm Attendance window is displayed. . - Check that the students displayed are in class.
- Click
The Attendance Maintenance Search window is redisplayed with the marked class in bold.
Note: If you have made a mistake, click on the Class launch link to reopen the Attendance Maintenance window for the class. SynWeb prompts you to enter a reason for each student whose attendance you change unless you are in Attendance Officer mode.
. - Select the next Class code of the class you are marking attendances for.
- Repeat steps 4 through 16 for each class.