Mark Class Attendance window

Mark Class Attendance window

Use the Mark Class Attendance window to mark student attendance in co-curricular classes.

 Opening the Mark Class Attendance window

To open the Mark Class Attendance window:

  1. Select Students > Attendance Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Attendance Maintenance Search window is displayed.
  2. Search for the co-curricular class. See Searching for attendance records.
    The timetable grid is displayed.
  3. Select the Class launch link for the required class.
    The Mark Class Attendance window is displayed.

Mark Class Attendance window key fields and buttons




Show Alerts

Select to display any alert icons for the student under their name.

Show Student Photo

Select to display a photo of the student next to the ID field.

Grid area fields



Student Photo

Photo of the student.

Note: This field only appears if Show Student Photo is selected.


Synergetic ID of the student.

Student Name

Name, campus, year level and house of the student.


Select if the student attended the class.




Select all students' Attended fields.

Clear all students' Attended fields.

Submit the attendance record.

Reverse the earlier submission of attendance or nonattendance records. For example, Thursday's attendance details for a class have been entered rather than Friday's.
See Reversing class attendances.

Note: The button is only displayed once the is used and you open the Attendance window again.

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