Correcting a present student's attendance

Correcting a present student's attendance

Sometimes the Attendance Officer or administration person has to correct a student's records. For example, the student has been wrongly marked absent in one class by the teacher when they were in fact present in all of their classes for the day.

To correct a wrongly entered absence event:

  • correct the attendance record
  • change the absence event to present.

Correcting attendance records
To correct an incorrect attendance record:

  1. Open the Absence Events Maintenance window.
    See Absence Events Maintenance window.
  2. Highlight the incorrect absence event record.
  3. Click .
    The Modify Absence Event window is displayed.
  4. If required, drag the bottom of the window down to display the timetable area.

    The Actual tab and the Timetable grid are displayed.
  5. Select the record on the timetable grid that has been marked absent.
  6. Click (next to the button) to open the attendance record.
    The Attendance window is displayed with the attendance record for the student's class.
  7. Select the Attended field.
    The following dialog is displayed.
  8. Click .
    The Modify Attendance Reason window is displayed.
  9. Type in a reason for modifying the attendance record.
  10. Click .
    The Attended field is changed to .
  11. Click .
    The following dialog is displayed.
  12. Click .
    The student's attendance record is changed and the Absence Events Maintenance window is displayed. 

Correcting absence events
Once you have corrected the attendance record, you need to correct the absence event. To set the absence event to present:

  1. Continue modifying the absence event.
  2. Set the Absence Type to Present.
  3. Add additional information in the Comment field to explain the correction.
  4. Click .
    The absence event is saved and the Absence Events Maintenance window is redisplayed with the corrected record.

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