Absence Events Maintenance window

Absence Events Maintenance window

Use the Absence Events Maintenance window to manage and record details of:

  • absence slips that were returned from classes
  • a student who signed in late
  • a student who signed in manually
  • a student who signed out manually
  • a student who is expected to arrive at a given date and time
  • a student who is expected to depart at a given date and time
  • a student who is expected to depart at a given date and time and is expected back at a given time
  • a student who is absent one or more full days
  • a student who is on an excursion
  • a student who signed in automatically
  • a student who signed out automatically.

In the case of a student leaving early on one day (for example, Friday) and away for a number of days (for example, all of next week) enter two absence events:

  • the first, where the student is expected to depart at a given date and time
  • the second, an all day absence event from the start of the week until the end of the week.

Note: You can configure Synergetic to automatically create a report when specific absence events types or absence types are created. For example, a form for a late student to take to class explaining their absence. See luAbsenceEventType lookup table and luAbsenceType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

 Opening the Absence Events Maintenance window

To open the Absence Events Maintenance window:

  1. Select Module > Students > Absence Events Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Absence Events Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Update the search criteria, if required. See Searching for absence events.
  3. Click .
    The Absence Events Maintenance window is displayed.

Absence Events Maintenance window key fields and buttons




Sort By

Sort by either:

  • Date, with the oldest date and time first
  • Alphabetically, in ascending order.

For example, you might sort records alphabetically to group together absence events for a student that has missed several periods but which can be explained by them having been in the sick bay.


Filter the absence events further based on whether they are:

  • unexplained
  • unexplained with possible sickbay or co-curricular reasons
  • confirmed
  • expected out/in absence events.

The Unexplained Absence Events filters are useful to the administration person working through the students with unexplained absences. As each is explained, the list gets smaller.


The number of absence events records for the selected criteria.


Type in a comment to apply to the highlighted records.

Grid area fields



Out Time

The out date and time for the absence event, if relevant (see In/Out below):

  • The date is derived from the Absent Date field when creating an absence event.
  • The time is derived from the time that the event is recorded for. For example, some organisations record attendance in the morning and the afternoon only. If the Period field is selected, when creating an absence event, the start time of the period is used.

The Out Time is blank when it is not available, such as for Expected In absence events.

In Time

The in date and time for the absence event, if relevant (see In/Out below). For example, for an Excursion Out and In absence event, the:

  • date is derived from the Excursion In Date field
  • time is derived from the corresponding Time field.


Period of the absence, if available. Period 0 is either the:

  • home group period
  • all day absence
  • AM absence, if the roll is marked twice a day at your organisation
  • PM absence, if the roll is marked twice a day at your organisation.

Refer to the luAbsencePeriod lookup table. See luAbsencePeriod lookup table in the System maintenance manual.


Student's name. The name is formatted as:
<Last name>,<Preferred first name> (<campus><year level>).


The type of absence for the absence event. For example, school camp. Absence types are defined in the luAbsenceType lookup table.

New Zealand schools use the absence codes required by the New Zealand Board of Studies. See Attendance and absence codes for New Zealand schools.

AE Type

The type of absence event or mode. For example, absence slips.


If available, whether an absence event is either a student:

  • expected out (out)
  • out (out)
  • returning (in)
  • arriving late (in)
  • whose absence is unexplained (blank)
  • who we entered a slip or auto slip for (blank).

Contact Phone

Home phone number for the primary contact (SC1 contact), as specified on the Contacts tab for the student. See Current Student Maintenance - Contacts tab in the Current students manual.

Contact Name

Person who is the primary contact for the student (SC1 contact), as specified on the Contacts tab for the student. See Current Student Maintenance - Contacts tab in the Current students manual.


Reason code given for the absence, if available. See the Reason field in the Modify Absence Event window.


Any extra comments entered about the absence in the Modify Absence Event window.


Synergetic ID of the student.


Unique order number assigned to the absence event.

Notification status

Status of the absence event notification when

  • event first created: blank
  • queued for processing: "{Email/SMS} to {email address} queued for sending"
  • sent: "{Email/SMS} to {email address} queued send {date time}.




Refresh the absence events displayed.