Create Absence Events window
You can use the Create Absence Events window to create different types of absence events, including:
- Absence Slips
- Late Sign In
- Sign In
- Sign Out
- Expected In
- Expected Out
- Expected Out and In
- All Day
- Excursion Out and In
- user-defined absence events.
Note: Settings for these absence events are controlled in Configuration File Maintenance. To change absence events settings or create a user-defined absence event, see Maintaining absence events configuration settings in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
Create Absence Events window key fields and buttons
Absence Event Type area fields
Field | Description |
Absence Event Type (Mode) | The type of absence event, as defined in the luAbsenceEventType lookup table. See luAbsenceEventType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. |
Student Details area fields
Note: The fields in containing contact information for the student's relations are read only.
Field | Description |
Student ID or Surname | When selecting a student to record an absence event for, you can:
Date & Time area fields
Note: The Date & Time area appears differently depending on the absence event type selected.
Absence Slips Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
Absent Date | The date of the absence. |
Period | The period that the absence slip is for. |
or Time | The time that the absence slip was entered. |
Reported By | Select either:
Late Arrival / Sign In / Expected In Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
Late Arrival Date / Sign In Date / Expected Arrival Date | The date that the student has signed in late or is expected to arrive late. |
Late Arrival Time / Sign In Time / Expected Arrival Time | The time that the student has signed in late or is expected to arrive late. |
Reported By | Select either:
Sign Out / Expected Out Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
Sign Out Date / Expected Out Date | The date that the student has signed out early or is expected to leave early. |
Sign Out Time / Out Time | The time that the student has signed out early or is expected to leave early. |
Reported By | Select either:
Expected Out and In Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
Expected Out Date | The date that the student is expected to leave early. |
Out Time | The time that the student is expected to leave early. |
In Time | The time that the student is expected to return. |
Reported By | Select either:
All Day Absence Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
First Day of Absence | Either:
Last Day of Absence | Either:
Include Sat / Include Sun | Create absence events for Saturday and Sunday when the period of an all day absence extends across the weekend. |
Reported By | Select either:
Excursion Out and In Date & Time area fields
Field | Description |
Excursion Out Date | Date that an excursion leaves with the student. |
Out Time | Time that an excursion leaves with the student. |
Excursion In Date | Date that an excursion returns with the student. |
In Time | Time that an excursion returns with the student. |
Excursion Teacher | Select the teacher accompanying the excursion from the drop-down list or type their name in the box. |
Absence Details area
Field | Description |
Absence Type | The type of absence, as defined in the luAbsenceType lookup table. |
Reason | Reason for the absence. |
Comment | Additional information available about the absence. |
Contact Made | Select if you contacted the person specified in the Reported By field to confirm the details of the absence event. |
Contact Rcvd | Select if the person specified in the Reported By field contacts you to confirm the details of the absence event. |
Note Made | Select if a note has been created to send home with the student Note: Your organisation may use this field for another purpose. For example, to indicate a diary entry has been created. |
Note Rcvd | Select if a signed note has been received from the parent. |
Approved | Select if the reason given for the absence meets the policy in force at your organisation. This field may not be active for this mode. Note: You do not need to select this field in New Zealand schools as the Absence Type field is used to determine whether an absence is approved by the NZ MOE or not. See Attendance codes for New Zealand schools. Note: This flag is only displayed if ShowApprovedFlag is selected for the absence event type in the luAbsenceEventType lookup table. |
Button | Description |
Automatically match unknown absence events with the event being added. If there are existing unknown events, they are displayed on the Auto Match window
For example, three absence slips were entered for absences from morning classes. Subsequently you received a note to say that the student was at the dentist and expected in later in the morning. |
Absence Events History area - Actual/Superseded tabs
Note: The Actual and Superseded tabs contain the same fields.
Field | Description |
# | Select the absence event. |
Mode | Absence event type (mode) for the absence event. |
Time | Date and time for the absence event. |
Type | Absence type, as selected in the Absence Details area. |
Reason | Reason given for the absence event. |
Buttons | Description |
Supersede a previous absence event with the selected record. See Superseding an absence event. | |
Undo the previous act of superseding for the selected record. |
Absence Events History area - Notifications tab
Field | Description |
Replied | Whether the notification has been replied to or not. |
Recipient | Name of the notification recipient. |
Original | Details of the original notification:
Replied | Details of the reply:
Type | Method of notification used. Either:
Processed Time | Time the message was sent. |
Timetable area
Field | Description |
File Type | Filter the academic and co-curricular timetable entries based on their file type. For example:
Year / Term | The Year and Term are used when modifying an absence event from a previous term or semester. You will need to adjust the fields to ensure that the correct timetable is displayed. |
Grid area fields
Field | Description |
Time | Start time of the period. |
Period | Description of the period when the class is scheduled to take place. |
Attended | The student's attendance for each class is either:
Campus | Campus of the class. |
Class / Class Description | Code and description of the:
Poss Type and Desc | Possible type of and description of the reason for the absence. |
Staff | Staff code for the teacher scheduled to take the class. |