luMedicalAllergyType lookup table
The luMedicalAllergyType lookup table defines the types of allergies identified at your organisation.
It is used in the Medical Allergy field on the Allergy tab under Medical Maintenance. See:
• Medical Maintenance - Allergy tab in the Synergetic Medical details manual
• Medical Maintenance - Allergies tab in the SynWeb Medical details manual.
Field | Description |
Code | Unique code for the allergy. |
Description | Description of the allergy. |
SortOrder | Order the allergy types are displayed in the Medical Allergy drop-down list. |
DefaultFlag | Select the field to make the entry the default allergy. |
ActiveFlag | Select if the allergy is relevant to your organisation. |
ModifiedDate | Community member that last modified the record. |
ModifiedUser | Date the record was last modified. |