Incidents_HotReports configuration setting
Incidents_HotReports configuration setting
Key | Value |
1 | MedicalMaint |
2 | Incidents |
3 | HotReports |
4 |
5 | {report number} |
Note: Each report must have a unique Key 5 report number. For example, MedicalMaint:Incidents:HotReports::01.
The Incidents:HotReports configuration setting is used to create customised reports for medical incidents. Label each report with a unique Key 5 report number and type the name of the report and the report description, separated by a pipe character '|'. For example, StuMedIncNote|Medical Incident Note.
Default value
The default value is blank.
Setting a different value
Type a new report name and description in the Value field on the Configuration File Maintenance window. See Maintaining configuration files.