Configuring automatic pledge allocations

You can configure Synergetic to automatically allocate pledge receipts when electronic payments are received.

To allow electronic payments to be allocated towards pledges:

  1. Select the Allow Auto Allocation of Pledge Receipts for Electronic Banking field for the relevant sub ledgers on the Sub Ledgers tab of the Debtors tab of Synergetic Financial Configuration. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Debtors tab - Sub Ledgers sub-tab in the Finance manual.

    If your organisation uses multiple sub ledgers, this allows you to distinguish between different types of payments where a debtor may make certain payments that can be automatically allocated to pledges and others that cannot.
    For example, where a debtor is both a parent and a tenant, payment towards school fees paid should be allocated to pledges but rent should never be allocated towards the debtor's pledges.

  2. Ensure that the pledge type is set up in the luFund lookup table. If pledge receipts for the fund can be automatically allocated against the payment type, select:

    • AutoPledgeAllocateDirectDebitFlag
    • AutoPledgeAllocateCreditCardFlag
    • AutoPledgeAllocateOtherFlag.

    These options correspond to the process types on the Debtor Electronic banking window. See Electronic banking.

    It is important that you select the AutoPledgeAllocateCreditCardFlag only if your organisation uses fixed amount payments. Credit card and EFT auto-allocations do not work for current balance-style payments.

    See luFund lookup table (Finance) in the Finance manual.

  3. Perform electronic banking payments as normal using the Debtor Electronic banking window. See Electronic banking.

Configuring the receipt allocation priority for pledges

Electronic payments received are automatically allocated in the following standard order:

  1. Outstanding payments by Statement Date (earliest first) for debtor transactions and Next Date for pledges. See Generating debtor statements.

    Tip: Pledge instalments are configured on the Pledges tab of Development Maintenance. See Development Maintenance - Pledges tab in the Development manual.

  2. Debtor payments have priority if a debtor and pledge instalment have the same date.
  3. Any excess amount is paid into a debtor's prepaid account if no payments are outstanding. This is allocated towards the next outstanding payment when a statement is run or a pledge's next instalment is due.

    Tip: The automatic allocation process does not consider the individual transaction dates. It is based only on the statement date for a transaction.

You can change the order that the automatic allocation is performed in.

To prioritise automatic allocation against a particular:

  • fee category, set a higher priority in the ReceiptAllocationPriority field in the luDebtorFeeCategory lookup table. See luDebtorFeeCategory lookup table in the Finance manual.
  • pledge fund, set a higher priority in the AutoPledgeReceiptAllocationPriority field in the luFund lookup table. See luFund lookup table (Finance) in the Finance manual.

Money received via electronic banking is then automatically allocated:

  • from highest to lowest priority
  • by the standard rules where the priority is equal.