Excursion Maintenance - Attendees bar - Abilities tab

Excursion Maintenance - Attendees bar - Abilities tab

Use the Abilities tab to view information about the ability of attendees to perform physical activities.


 Opening the Abilities tab

To open the Abilities tab:

  1. Select Students > Excursion Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Set Excursion Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for excursions. See Searching for excursions.
  3. Click the Attendees bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The Attendees bar of Excursion Maintenance is displayed.
  4. Select an attendee record in the grid area.
    Note: To add attendee records, see Adding attendees to an excursion.
    The Primary tab of the Attendees bar of Excursion Maintenance is displayed.
  5. Click the Abilities tab.
    The Abilities tab of the Attendees bar of Excursion Maintenance is displayed.

Excursion Maintenance - Attendees bar - Abilities tab key fields and buttons

Grid area fields

The grid area fields contain filters. See Sorting and filtering grids in the Introduction manual.



Attendee Type

Type of attendee. See the luAttendeeType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.


Name of the attendee.


Constituencies the attendee is part of.


Attendance status of the attendee. See the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table in the Community Portal manual.

First Aid

Whether the attendee has first aid qualifications.

Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Assistant or Staff is selected.


Whether there are substitutions required for the staff member.

Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Staff is selected.

WWC Check

Whether the assistant has a current working with children check.

Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Assistant is selected.


Community ID of the attendee.


Whether consent has been provided for the student to attend the excursion.

Tip: You can select Given or Not Given from the drop-down list to filter the displayed records.

Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Attendee is selected.


Whether payment for the excursion has been made.

Tip: You can select Paid or Not Paid from the drop-down list to filter the displayed records.

Note: This field is only displayed when an Attendee Type of Attendee is selected.

Page size

Select the number of attendees displayed on each page.




Launch the Search window to add community members as attendees. See Adding attendees to an excursion.

Delete the selected attendee from the excursion.

Launch community maintenance for the selected attendee.

Bulk add attendees to the excursion. See Adding attendees to an excursion in bulk.




Attending Status

Attendance status of the community member. See the luCommunityCurrEventStatus lookup table in the Community Portal manual.

Note: This field is only visible when an attendee is selected in the grid area field.

Attendee Type

Attendee type of the community member. See the luAttendeeType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Note: This field is only visible when an attendee is selected in the grid area field.

Abilities tab fields




Description of the ability of the selected attendee. For example, Can swim 50 metres.

Note: Abilities are maintained in the luAbilityType lookup table. See luAbilityType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.


Ability level of the selected attendee. For example, easily.

Note: You can maintain abilities including ability levels using either:

Common buttons



Create a new excursion. See Creating new excursions.

Copy the selected excursion. See Copying excursions.

Delete the currently selected excursion.

Display the Set Excursion Search Criteria window. See Searching for excursions.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh information for the selected excursion.

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