AutoAllocateType configuration setting
Key | Value |
1 | Students |
2 | House |
3 | AutoAllocationType |
Use the AutoAllocationType configuration setting to define automatic school house allocation for current students.
Important: Automatic house allocation only works when the House field of the Create New Student - School window is blank. See Create New Student - School window.
Default value
The default value is Blank.
Available options:
S - Assign the student to the same house as their current student sibling.
Note: This assignment is based only on a current sibling with a relationship of Brother or Sister.P - Assign the student to the same house as their past student sibling.
Note: This assignment is based on a Past sibling or parent with a relationship to the current student of Brother, Sister, Mother or Father.B - Balance student numbers by campus/year level/house/gender.
Note: This option places the new student into the house with the lowest count (by campus/year/gender) and does not change or re-balance existing allocations.
Setting a different value
Type a new value into the Value field on the Configuration File Maintenance window to set the value to False. See Maintaining configuration files.