Importing mark book assessments from Subject Assessment Maintenance

You can import mark book assessments into subject assessments from:

  • other subject assessments
  • classes.

The mark book assessments can then be modified to suit the subject assessment. For example, German C has similar mark book assessments to German A so we can import these from German A.

To import mark book assessments into the Mark Book sub-tab:

  1. Open the Mark Book sub-tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Maintenance - Summary tab - Mark Book sub-tab.
    The Mark Book sub-tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Select MarkBook to Load window is displayed.
  3. Update the file type, year, term (or semester) or campus, if required. See the field descriptions below.
  4. Select where to import the mark book assessment areas from using either the:
    Copy From Master Assessment Code drop-down list
    • Copy From Class Code drop-down list.
    The available mark book assessment areas are displayed.
  5. Select the mark book assessments to load into. You can:
     click to select all of the mark book assessment areas

     press the Ctrl key and select the individual mark book assessment areas required.
  6. Click .
    The Confirm window is displayed.
  7. Click .
    The Mark Book tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance is displayed.
  8. Modify the imported mark book assessment areas to suit the subject assessment. See Subject Assessment Maintenance - Summary tab - Mark Book sub-tab.

Select MarkBook to Load window key fields



File Type

File type that is used to filter the classes available.

A file type of A is the default value for academic classes.

Other file types are used for co-curricular classes. For example, you can select file type M for Music from the drop-down list.

Year / Term

Year and term or semester that is used to filter the classes available.

Class Campus

Campus that is used to filter the classes available.

Copy From Master Assessment Code

Select the assessment code from the drop-down list of assessment codes, if required.

Copy From Class Code

Select the assessment code from the drop-down list of class codes, if required.