Victorian Curriculum F-10

Victorian Curriculum F-10

The Victorian Curriculum F-10 is the Victorian Government's response to the Australian Curriculum.  See: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/reporting-student-achievement/resources

The Victorian Curriculum has three parts:

  • most students are covered by the Victorian Curriculum F-10
  • a small group of students with disabilities, whose learning progress precedes Foundation level of the curriculum and well outside the expected level of their peers, are covered by the Victorian Curriculum A-D
  • students learning whose first language is a language other than Standard Australian English are covered by Victorian Curriculum English as an Additional Language (EALVC).

The Victorian Curriculum F-10:

  • sets out what every Victorian school student should learn
  • incorporates the Australian Curriculum while reflecting the priorities and standards in Victoria, Australia; for example, while the Australian Curriculum is organised by year levels, the Victorian Curriculum F–10 design is structured by levels of learning.

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