Maintaining Victorian Curriculum frameworks

Maintaining Victorian Curriculum frameworks

Victorian Curriculum frameworks are maintained using the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window. See Using the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window.

Loading curriculum frameworks

You can load four pre-defined frameworks from Synergetic reference tables as needed: 

  • Victorian Curriculum F-10, implementing the Australian Curriculum in Victorian schools
  • Victorian Curriculum F-10 English as an Additional Language (EALVC)
  • Religious Education (RE) used by some Catholic schools, depending on their diocese. 
  • Religious Education Renewed (REN) used by some Catholic schools, depending on their diocese.
  • Religious Education (RESALE) used by some Catholic schools, depending on their diocese.


Additional alternative frameworks can be added manually. For example, any recognised alternative curriculum frameworks available to schools if approval is granted and authorisation gained to deliver the program. For example: 

  • International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) programs 
  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) as an alternative curriculum design for students in Year 10.

Understanding the curriculum framework structure

Victorian Curriculum frameworks are structured using three levels displayed as grids on the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window:

  • Curriculum Area Groups are the distinct bodies of knowledge, skills and behaviours within the curriculum framework. For example, The Arts.

    Note: In Victorian Curriculum EAL this level is known as Strands.

  • Curriculum Areas are the sub-categories that comprise each Curriculum Area Group. For example, Dance.

    In the Victorian Curriculum F-10, includes Learning Areas and Capabilities. For example, in Foundation (F) to Year 2, schools report on: 

    - four learning areas: English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, The Arts 
    - and one general capability: Personal and Social Capability. 

    Note: In Victorian Curriculum EAL this level is known as Domains.

  • Strands/Modes. These are used to organise standards within each curriculum area. For example, Dance

    For example: 

    - Schools report student progress against age-related expected level of achievement for every student every year in: 

         > English - showing modes (Writing, Reading and viewing, Speaking and listening)
         > Mathematics – showing strands (Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability).

    - Foundation VCAL is structured around four strands:

         > Literacy and Numeracy Skills
         > Industry Specific Skills
         > Work Related Skills
         > Personal Development Skills. 

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