Legacy ODBC Entries

Legacy ODBC Entries

From v68.36 and v69.08 users will be able to recreate/update synonym ODBCs on their workstation.

This is mainly relevant where the v68/69 instance has been deployed on different server infrastructure, and the existing legacy ODBC entries refer to an old (possibly decommissioned) server.

When logging in to Windows Synergetic, users may receive a message similar to the following


The ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connections allow third party integrations, e.g. Crystal reports or MSQuery to easily connect and view information from the database.

Pre68, Synergetic required one of these entries for each of the databases. 

As v68 is a single database and have been named differently these current entries are no longer relevant.

If the v68+ environment has been deployed on different server hardware, then the legacy ODBC entries will be referring to the old server.

This means that any references, such as those within existing MS Queries, will be looking at the object references on the old server instance.

In this case you will need to update the existing ODBC entries as documented in manually adding ODBC entries back if deleted.


A new ODBC entry has been created automatically when accessing Synergetic (named appropriately for your database) for the first time of logging in to Synergetic.

As the existing entries are legacy you have the option to

a) Yes

Will remove these legacy entries

If you are still using MSQueries that have not been updated to the new single database (MS Query) it is recommended to not remove these.

If you connect to a version of Synergetic that requires these, they will be automatically created for you again.

b) Never

Entries will not be removed and will never prompt you again to have them removed

c) No

Entries will not be removed but will prompt you again upon next login

If you do not know which selection to use, selecting NEVER will be the recommended approach. The ODBC connections can remain forever without causing any issues.

You will notice these when attempting to use third party applications that connect to the database.

For example, when creating an MSQuery in Excel

While not a problem, it makes it easier for users to locate the correct ODBC reference to use when creating queries or reports in the future.

Manually selecting options for users

You can insert records in to the ConfigUsers.

The following script can be used to default all users as if they had selected to never delete legacy ODBC entries.

-- Modified to handle AD Authentication (eg. where the domain is prefixed to the login name but is not stored in the table)

DECLARE @DomainPrefix VARCHAR(MAX) = 'DomainName\' -- ie. Leave blank if SQL authentication
INSERT dbo.tConfig (Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Value)
SELECT 'SelectionHistory', 'Synergetic', REPLACE(LoginName,@DomainPrefix,''), 'NeverDeleteLegacyODBC', 'True'
FROM dbo.ConfigUsers cu
WHERE REPLACE(cu.LoginName,@DomainPrefix,'') NOT IN (SELECT REPLACE(cu.LoginName,@DomainPrefix,'') FROM tConfig WHERE Key1 = 'SelectionHistory' AND Key2 = 'Synergetic' AND Key3 = REPLACE(cu.LoginName,@DomainPrefix,'') AND Key4 = 'NeverDeleteLegacyODBC')

Automatically recreate legacy ODBC entries

Go to Systems > Edit Synergetic Configuration File > Synonym ODBC tab.

You will then get the following message, and will need to restart Synergetic.

After restart, select the File menu item, and then select Workstation configuration and follow the prompts.

Ensure that you select the check box shown below.

Manually adding ODBC entries back if deleted

You can access the ODBC manager by searching 'ODBC' in Windows

From here you can manually add or remove any connections no longer used.

Select Add, and then enter 'SynergyOne' as the Name and an arbitrary Description.

Select Next.

Use trusted connection for Windows AD logins or enter your SQL credentials.

Select Next.

Select 'SynergyOne' as the default database, leave other setting as default.

Select Next.

No changes required on this screen.

Select Finish.

Select Test Data Source.

If it says anything other than 'TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!' then contact us for further assistance. (smile)

Otherwise select OK and you're done!