Creating users in Synergetic v68
The user creation process is mainly the same in the new v68 version except users are generally created at the database level (as contained users) rather than at the Server level. There are exceptions to this as outlined below, use the list below to let you know the way to create your users.
As users can exist at the Database or Server Level. These are two different logins that can have the same or different passwords.
Users who only need Synergetic Access
Open SQL Management Studio and login as a user who has Server Admin permissions
Creation of a new user
Locate and expand your single database (Database Naming)
Expand the Security folder
On the Users folder, right mouse click and select 'New User...'
On the General page, select
Database Authentication
User Type: SQL user with password
Enter your User name and password
AD Authentication
User Type: Windows user
'User name' & 'Login name': Enter the users windows name from Active Directory
Press the OK button
There is no need to select any further pages, ie Owned Schemas, Securables etc. This is only required if specific permissions are required e.g. for MSQuery or Crystal Report development
With the details entered, ie User Type, User Name, Password. You can select the Script button at the top of the window. This will script out the user creation to a new SQLQuery window if you wish to utilise this for multiple staff, e.g.
Database Authentication
Active Directory Authentication
Modification to an existing user
Locate and expand your single database (Database Naming)
Expand the Security folder
In the Users folder, select the username you wish to modify and right mouse click on their name, selecting Properties
The Database User window will appear where you can make your modifications
Database Authentication
The General page has the users password if this is what you wish to modify
Users who need access to other databases on the same SQL Instance
As a contained user, it belongs to the database and you're unable to access resources outside of the database
If you require access to other databases within the same server, the user will need to be managed as it was previous to version 68
Open SQL Management Studio and login as a user who has Server Admin permissions
Creation of a new user
On the Server level, expand the Security folder
On the Logins folder, right mouse click and select 'New Login...'
On the General page, select
Database Authentication
Enter the 'Login name'
Select 'SQL Server authentication'
The checkboxes e.g. 'Enforce password policy' is up to your individual organisation, however it is recommended to leave these as default for security reasons
The 'Default database' is the intiial database the user will have selected for queries. It is not essential to set but can assist users if they directly connect to the database
AD Authentication
Login name: Enter the users windows name from Active Directory
On the User Mapping page, check any of the databases that the user is required to access
If there are specific roles the user can be assigned to, these can also be checked in the 'Database role membership...' section. Ensure you have the approriate database selected in the top window (Users mapped to this login)
With the details entered, ie Login name, Password and any other information modified in this window. You can select the Script button at the top of the window. This will script out the user creation, along with selected permissions to a new SQLQuery window if you wish to utilise this for multiple staff, e.g.
Database Authentication
Active Directory Authentication
Modification to an existing user
On the Server level, expand the Security folder
Expand the Logins folder
Select the login name you wish to modify and right mouse click on their name, selecting Properties
The Login Properties window will appear where you can make your modifications
Database Service Accounts like SEQTA, Schoolbox or PaperCut
As a contained user, it belongs to the database and you're unable to access resources outside of the database.
Open SQL Management Studio and login as a user who has Server Admin permissions.
Granting access to SQL objects
See wiki page Granting access to SQL objects