v68 Single Database Upgrade Pre/Post Checks
v68 Single Database Upgrade Pre/Post Checks
As there is a large architectural change when upgrading to version 68, the following will assist in this process.
- We strongly urge you to have a test server upgraded before production
- Like for like of your production server, including all
- Security
- File structure
- User objects
- Like for like of your production server, including all
- Run the Prechecker before requesting an upgrade
- Can be run on production servers without affecting information
- Resolve errors
- Attempt to resolve any warnings
- Identify any 3rd party integrations you may have
- Applications
- SQL User Objects
- Reports
- MSQueries
Can you continue to run the Synergetic suite of programs that you normally use
- SynMain
- SynWeb
- Portal
- Online Application
- Onine Enquiries
- Online Events
- Form Builder
- Application Portal
- SynWeb Service
- CoreAPI
- Synergetic Service
- DocMan
- Report Schedule
- Absence Notification
- SynAPI
- Crystal Reports
- DBPatcher
- Study Period
- SynMainL
- SynMobile
3rd Party applications
While Synergetic testing has mostly been around confirming existing functionality continues to run without error the majority of checks that Synergetic cannot necessarily check are 3rd party integrations
- Applications
- SQL User Objects
- Reports
- MSQueries
Report (available v68.10)
A crystal report has been included in the System module. This reports on any issues or discrepancies that may have been detected at the time of migration.
For example:
- Mismatch of record counts in tables
- Missing/broken sql objects (eg views, stored procedures, functions, etc)
- Mismatch of primary/foreign keys
Module: SYS
Report: v68 Upgrade Post Check Results
Please note, if the report is blank, there were no reported issues.