Maintaining student results configuration settings

Some aspects of the Student Results Maintenance function can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.
The following configuration settings:

  • Are used in the Student Results Maintenance function.
  • Can be searched for using the word StudentResultsMaint in Configuration File Maintenance. See Maintaining configuration files.

Key configuration settings

Configuration setting




Used to determine whether externally assessed standards are treated as errors on the Synchronise Student NCEA Results window.

AllowExternalResults configuration setting


Forces the result calculation stored procedure to run when switching classes or tabs in Results Maintenance.
The default value is True.

AutoRunResultCalcProcFlag configuration setting


Saves the date of entry of a result in a field in the results table.
This date can optionally be used to determine which results are displayed to parents via the portal.

AutoSetResultDate configuration setting


Used to determine whether the spelling of comments is automatically checked when they are entered in Student Results Maintenance.

AutoSpellCheck configuration setting


Used to determine whether to spell check topic comments when checking all of the students displayed on the Student Results Maintenance window.

AutoSpellCheckInTopicComment configuration setting


Forces a full stop as the very last character of a comment field.

CommentAutoFullStop configuration setting


Used to determine whether Synergetic uses the student's preferred, preferred formal or given name when a question mark (?) is used in a comment field.

CommentName configuration setting


Used to determine whether a user can edit the same class in separate web connections.

EnableSelfLock configuration setting


Used to determine how long class results remain locked if users close their web page while editing the class results.

ExpirySeconds configuration setting


Used to determine how long to extend the lock duration for a class when a results page is refreshed.

ExtendSeconds configuration settings


Used to determine the height of student photos displayed on the student results grid. See Image:Width below.

Image:Height configuration setting


Used to determine the width of student photos displayed on the student results grid. See Image:Height above.

Image:Width configuration setting


Allow summarised or calculated fields to still be calculated, even if any results that are included in the calculation are blank.

MainCalc:CalcIfBlankResults configuration setting


Allow summarised or calculated mark book fields to still be calculated, even if any results that are included in the calculation are blank.

MarkbookCalc:CalcIfBlankResults configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Mark Book Results flag is selected by default on the Copy Student Results from Prior Term window.

MarkbookResultsFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Overall Comments flag is selected by default on the Copy Student Results from Prior Term window.

OverallCommentsFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Result Classifications flag is selected by default on the Copy Student Results from Prior Term window.

ResultsClassificationFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the result calculation stored procedure in Results Maintenance runs as part of the nightly job.

RunResultCalcAsNightly configuration setting


Forces an update of the result date if the user changes a result.
This date can optionally be used to determine which results are displayed to parents via the portal.

SetIfResultChanged configuration setting


Automatically adds a set number of spaces after a colon (:) is entered in a comment.

SpacesAfterColon configuration setting


Automatically adds a set number of spaces after a comma (,) is entered in a comment.

SpacesAfterComma configuration setting


Used to determine the number of spaces after a full stop, when performing spell checks on the Student Results Maintenance window.

SpacesAfterFullStop configuration setting


Automatically adds a set number of spaces after a semicolon (;) is entered in a comment.

SpacesAfterSemicolon configuration setting


Used to determine the precision for calculated results when using the spuStudentResultsCalcMain stored procedure.
Note: See the topic for more details if you use different stored procedures for calculated results.

spuStudentResultsCalcMain:DecimalPlaces configuration setting


Used to determine the precision for calculated results using the spuStudentResultsCalcNCEA stored procedure.

spuStudentResultsCalcNCEA:DecimalPlaces configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Staff field is displayed on the Assessment tab of Student Results Maintenance.

StaffCodeInAssessmentsGrid configuration setting


Enables the use of topic comments by assessment area.

UseTopicComments configuration setting


Used to determine whether snapshot isolation is enabled.

UseTransactionSnapshotIsolation configuration setting