Preventing individual Crystal Reports being locked to printers

Preventing individual Crystal Reports being locked to printers

Crystal Reports may store a specific printer within each report. This:

  • is often not desirable
  • can delay printing while the printer is being searched for.

To prevent a Crystal Report from being locked to a specific printer:

  1. Start Crystal Reports Developer.
  2. Open the report to configure.
  3. Select File > Page Setup from the main menu.
    The Page Setup window is displayed.
  4. Clear the No Printer field.
  5. Close the window.
  6. Select File > Summary Info from the main menu.
    The Summary Info window is displayed.
  7. In the Keywords field, type either:
    • SetDefaultPrinter
    • SetDefaultOrientationPrinter
    The report prints to the current Windows default printer.

Note: SetDefaultPrinter is preferred but will also reset page orientation. If the report is landscape orientation, use SetDefaultOrientationPrinter instead.