Importing student details into a class

Importing student details into a class

Use the Student Class Import program to import a list of students into a class.

  1. Select Module > Students > Student Class Import.
    The Student Class Import window is displayed.
  2. If required, select the File Type, Year, Term and Campus to import the file to.
  3. Click and locate the file you want to import.
  4. If required, type the character that you use in your import file to separate each field in the record in the Delimiter Character field. For example, for a comma separated delimited (CSV) file, type a comma.

    If your separator is a tab character, type T in the Delimiter Character field.

  5. If required, select Delete current classes.

    Existing classes with the same details are deleted and replaced with the imported details. Be careful!

  6. Click .
    The student details are imported. 

Student Class Import window - key fields and buttons



File Type

Type of class. For example:

  • academic classes
  • music classes
  • sport
  • and so on.

Year and Term

Year and term the class is run in.


Campus the class is held at.

Name of Import File

File name to import.

Delimiter Character

Character that separates fields in the import file.

The comma is the most commonly used separation character.

Note: Use a T for fields separated by the tab character, as this character cannot be easily represented.

Delete Current Classes

Select to delete all current classes before importing the new classes.

This option clears all the classes matching the FileType, Year, Term and Campus values you specify. Be careful!




Browse for the name and location of the file to be imported.

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