Subject Assessment Maintenance - Area tab - Material sub-tab

Subject Assessment Maintenance - Area tab - Material sub-tab

Use the Material sub-tab to maintain a record of the materials required for an external or internal course or subject. Materials can be text books, stationery, art supplies and so on.

 Opening the Material sub-tab

To open the Material sub-tab:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Set Subject Assessment Search Criteria window by clicking .
  2. Update the search criteria.
  3. Click .
  4. Select the subject to maintain assessments for. See Searching for subjects and assessment areas.

    The Summary sub-tab of the Summary tab of the Subject Assessment Maintenance window is displayed.
  5. Select the subject assessment area to maintain. See Searching for subjects and assessment areas.

    The Area sub-tab of the Area tab of the Subject Assessment Maintenance window is displayed.
  6. Click the Material sub-tab.
    The Material sub-tab of the Subject Assessment Maintenance window is displayed.

Subject Assessment Area Maintenance - Area tab - Material sub-tab key fields and buttons

Grid area fields




Identifying sequence number for the material.


Code for the material.


Description of the material.




Launch Material Maintenance to view or update details of the highlighted material. See Maintaining materials and suppliers in the Curriculum manual.

Add one or more materials to the end of the list in the grid area.

The Material Search window is displayed.

To add one or more materials to the Material sub-tab:

  1. If you need to change the search criteria:
    • type in the new search criteria
    click .
  2. Select the material to add.
  3. Click .
    The material is added to the Material sub-tab.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each material to add.
  5. Click when done.

Insert one or more materials before the highlighted material on the grid.
The Material Search window is displayed and a new line is inserted before the highlighted material. In this example, line 2 has been inserted before the Art folio materials - Year 8.

Tip: Use the same procedure as the button.

Delete the highlighted material from the list.

Common buttons



Switch to the Summary tab to maintain information about the subject assessment associated with the current subject assessment areas. See Maintaining subject assessments.

Create a new subject assessment area. See Creating new subject assessment areas.

Delete a subject assessment area, if:

  • it is not referenced in calculations by other areas
  • there are no results entered for the area.

Open the Set Subject Assessment Search Criteria window. See Searching for subjects and assessment areas.

Move to the sub-tab on the left of the current sub-tab of the Area tab.

Move to the sub-tab on the right of the current sub-tab of the Area tab.

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