Selecting results to display with the Print flag

Selecting results to display with the Print flag

You can use Print flags to hide individual results that would otherwise be published under your chosen result publishing method. You can select to hide or show results:

  • for individual students when recording results
  • for the subject assessment area for all students.

Setting the Print flag for individual students
Note: You must first configure the portal to use Print flags. See UsePrintFlags configuration setting.

To hide an individual result on the portal:

  1. Select Module > Assess > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Summary tab of Subject Assessment Area Maintenance is displayed.
  2. On the Summary sub-tab of the relevant subject, select Print Selectable for Result.
  3. Select Module > Assess > Student Results Maintenance.
    The All Students tab of the Student Results Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Select Single Student.
    The Single Student tab of the Student Results Maintenance window is displayed.
  5. Select Print for each result you want to show on the portal.

    The result is displayed on the portal. 

Setting the print flag for the subject assessment area
To hide or display the results for a subject assessment area:

  1. Select Module > Assess > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Summary tab of Subject Assessment Area Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Select the Area tab.
    The Area sub-tab of Subject Assessment Area Maintenance is displayed.
  3. Select the Print on Report field.
  4. Click .
    The results for this subject area assessment are displayed on the portal once they satisfy the current results publishing model. 

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