Customising the Attendances Extended tab

Customising the Attendances Extended tab

You can customise various aspects of the Attendances Extended tab to suit your organisation's needs.

: The configuration settings for EnabledFlag, MenuOrder, ParentPageName and Text are only applicable when using the Portal 6 and below render method.

What you can do

What you can do...


Customise the legend displayed for attendances that have not yet been marked by the teacher.

Customise the legend displayed for attendances when no class is timetabled for the attendance period.

Customise the description for the legend displayed for attendances that have not yet been marked by the teacher.

Customise the description for the legend displayed for attendances when no class is timetabled for the attendance period.

Determine whether the Attendances Extended tab is displayed.

Determine the position of the Attendances Extended tab on the menu bar.

Determine whether the Attendances Extended tab is displayed as the sub-tab of another tab.

Customise the title of the Attendances Extended tab.

Customise the address of the Attendances Extended tab.

Customise the text displayed on the Attendances Extended tab.

Determine whether Attendance Days are displayed. For example, full day, half day.

Determine whether attendances are group by subject class code or learning area code.

ClassCodeFlag configuration setting

Determine whether changes made to the ClassCodeFlag configuration setting cause the database table to regenerate.

Customise the format of dates on the Attendances Extended tab.

Determine whether cancelled classes are included in the attendance summary.

Determine whether study periods are included in the attendance summary.

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