Customising the My Details tab

Customising the My Details tab

You can customise how the Community Portal displays the My Details tab and configure how changes are processed by Synergetic.

Contact Synergetic to arrange for the implementation of the My Details tab at your organisation.

What you can do...

What you can do...


Determine whether pages, sections and fields on the My Details tab can be edited by community members.

luFormItems lookup table

Determine what pages, sections and fields are displayed on the My Details tab.

Define confirmation periods to allow users to confirm their details on the My Details tab.luConfirmationOfDetailDates lookup table

Define the custom HTML displayed on the top of the My Details tab.

Define the custom HTML displayed on the bottom of the My Details tab.

Determine the general disclaimer message displayed to parents on the My Details tab.

Define the message displayed when the user saves changes.

Define the message displayed when the user saves without making changes.

Determine the message displayed when there is an error saving changes on the My Details tab.

Determine the message displayed for emergency contacts with existing community records.

Determine the message displayed when no previous legal details have been entered for a student.

Determine the text displayed under the Medications header on the My Details page if the Medication Type field is empty.

Determine the text displayed in the pending-changes tooltip for checkboxes that are unchecked on the My Details tab.

Determine the text displayed in the pending-changes tooltip for checkboxes that are checked on the My Details tab.

Define the template for the format of the pending-changes tooltips on the My Details tab.

Determine whether Action Centre messages are created when a community member updates their details on the My Details tab.

Determine the time taken for Synergetic to create Action Centre messages after details are updated on the My Details tab.

Determine which types of community members can access the My Details tab.

MyDetails:SideMenuCSV configuration setting

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