What's new to the Community Portal

What's new to the Community Portal

Version 71.17

ChangeMore informationSee ... 
Forgotten password to send reset link to emailYou can configure the Community Portal to send a secure password reset link to a user's registered email address.v71.17 - How to enable Synergetic Community Portal forgotten password functionality

Version 71.08
This section outlines changes made to the Community Portal (version 71.06-71.08).


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New Payment Plans tab configuration settings.

You can use the DetailedViewEndDate configuration setting to determine the date after which users will no-longer see the detailed of list of charges and only their amount owing.

Customising the Payment Plans tab

DetailedViewEndDate configuration setting

AfterDetailedViewEndDate configuration setting

DiscountBasedOnFeeCategory configuration setting

You can use the AfterDetailedViewEndDate configuration setting to determine the title of the Fees Total heading in the Your Account Balance Summary section once the detailed view is no-longer displayed.
You can use the DiscountBasedOnFeeCategory configuration setting to determine whether payment plan discounts are calculated based on the total of all instalment charges or only charges linked to fee categories selected to be used for discounts.
Updated Payment Plans tab only displays the total owing after the instalment start date.

Previously, charge and payment line items were displayed on both the Payment Plans tab and the Finance tab of the Community Portal. Now this information is displayed on the Payment Plans tab up to the Instalment Start Date configured using the Create New Year Payment Plans window. See Creating next year payment plans.

Thereafter, charge and payment line items are displayed on the Finance tab. This change makes it easier for parents to determine their total amount owing.

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