Customising the Electives tab

Customising the Electives tab

Use the Electives tab to display co-curricular electives and allow each Community Portal user to choose their preferred Co-Curricular activities.

How to:

What you can do...

What you can do...


Define the settings for each co-curricular elective.

luElectiveGroup lookup table

Determine whether the Electives tab is displayed.

Determine the position of the Electives tab on the menu bar.

Customise the message displayed on the electives tab when there are no electives to submit.Electives_NoElectivesText configuration setting

Customise the title of the Electives tab.

Customise the text on the Electives tab.

Customise the URL of the Electives tab.

Customise the text displayed when Co-Curricular elective preferences have been submitted.