Customising the Excursions tab

Customising the Excursions tab

You can use the Excursions tab to display excursions and allow Community Portal users to:

  • view event details
  • confirm medical details
  • confirm immunisation and healthcare details
  • give consent for students to attend excursions
  • make excursion payments.

Note: You can create payable excursions on the Community Portal. For information about this process including configuring payment methods, payment categories, and payment receipts, see the Synergetic Online payments manual.

What you can do...

What you can do...


Determines the confirmation messaged displayed when users edit details on the Excursion tab.

Determines the custom HTML displayed at the top of the Excursion tab.ExcursionDetails:Top configuration setting

Define which community member groups are displayed on the side panel on the Excursion tab.

ExcursionDetails:SideMenuCSV configuration setting

Determines the message displayed when a parent tries to consent a student that has not been immunised with a "required" immunisation.

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