Maintaining Crystal Reports table views

Maintaining Crystal Reports table views

When you run a report in the portal, Synergetic uses the same Crystal Report definition that the client server version of Synergetic uses. In Synergetic, the table view name (primary data source name) is dynamically added to the report definition when you run the report. This allows Crystal Reports to create a report based on the correct view of the database.

It is not possible to dynamically pass the table view name into the web interface. Instead, the portal defaults to using vStudentReportsSemester as the main view in the report. If a report uses any other view as the main view, you have to specify it in the luReportStyle lookup table.

To define a table view name for a report, update the luReportStyle lookup table as follows:

  1. Locate the name of the report in the luReportStyle lookup table.

  2. In the PrintOverrideViewName field (column), type in the name of the table view.
    The vStudentReportsSemester view requires the following fields to work: