Configuring the DocMan service

Note: It is strongly recommended that you stop the DocMan service before making changes to configuration settings. See Starting and stopping the DocMan service.

Setting up document classifications
The DocMan service processes documents by classifications defined in the luDocumentClassification lookup table to determine:

  • who can view the documents on the portal
  • how the description field is populated
  • whether the document is restricted to certain users.

See luDocumentClassification lookup table.

Setting up the file name pattern
The DocMan service relies on information in the filename to know the:

  • community member the document belongs to
  • description of the document
  • source code of the document
  • source reference of the document
  • file type of the document.

The DocMan service uses a regular expression to split up the filename and extract this information. The regular expression is defined in the Pattern configuration setting. The filename must be saved in this exact pattern for the upload to work. See Pattern configuration setting.
Documents whose filenames do not match the pattern are rejected during upload.

Setting up the file extensions
The DocMan service can only process documents of a file type it recognises. Each file type you want to upload must be listed in the luDocumentType lookup table. You can also specify a maximum file size per file type. See luDocumentType lookup table.
Documents of a file type not listed in the luDocumentType lookup table are rejected during upload.

Setting up the source codes
Source codes indicate where a document originally came from. For example, it can be a magazine article, school photo, or from school archives. Each source code you want to use must be listed in the luDocumentSourceCode lookup table. See luDocumentSourceCode lookup table.
The DocMan service can only recognise source codes you have specified in the luDocumentSourceCode lookup table. Documents with a source code not listed are rejected during upload.

Editing the XML configuration file
The DocMan service uses an XML configuration file to determine where the databases and folders to watch are located and how it should access them. To edit the configuration file:

  1. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\SynergeticManagementSystems\Synergetic.Service.DocMan on the Synergetic server using Windows Explorer.
  2. Open the SynergeticDocumentService.exe.config file using Notepad or a similar program.
  3. Edit the XML according to the table below and save the file.

Note: Make sure you do not remove, move or change any part of the xml except the specified parts of the fields, or the DocMan Service may stop working.

Example XML file
The following is an example of the default XML file:


XML application setting key fields
Note: The following fields use a 'key-value' structure, where the name of the field is written as key="Example_Field" and the value to be used is written as value="Example_Value". For example, the DATABASENAME field is written as <add key="DATABASENAME" value="SynergyOne"/>.




Server name where the Synergetic database is located.


Name of the Synergetic database. Usually SynergyOne.


Server name where the Synergetic media database is located. Usually the same value as DATABASESERVER.


Name of the Synergetic media database. Usually SynergyOneMedia.


User name DocMan service should use to connect to the database server.
Note: The user name must already exist in the Synergetic database.


Password DocMan service should use to connect to the database server.


Location of the root folder where documents are placed for upload. This can be:

  • On the machine running the service. For example, C:\Uploads.
  • On a shared resources. For example, \\Machine05\Uploads.


Name of the folder for processed documents. DocMan service creates this folder under each document category folder.
Default value is processed.


Indicates if the DocMan service should use windows authentication to access the database. This can be:

  • true - windows authentication is used
  • false - sql authentication is used.


Used for the timing of the service. Default value is 15.
Note: Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by Synergetic Management Systems.


Type either:

  • true to produce processing messages in the database for each document
  • false to not produce messages.

    Note: Once you have ensured the DocMan service is functioning properly, you should disable debugging. Otherwise DocMan service generates a lot of unnecessary processing logs.


The file path for the Client Settings Provider file, if required.


A comma-separated list of files the DocMan service should ignore. List any files you do not want uploaded, including files that are created by the system. For example, "Thumbs.db,SomeFile.txt".

XML system.web fields
The remaining fields configure how the DocMan service communicates with the server. Do not change these fields unless at the express instruction of Synergetic Management Systems staff.