Uploading documents into other modules
Uploading documents into other modules
You can upload files into modules other than the community module, such as Subject Class. You do not need to make any changes to the configurations to enable this feature.
To upload a document to another module:
- Create the file to upload. Ensure that the filename:
• Matches the filename pattern specified in the Pattern configuration setting. See Pattern configuration setting.
• Uses one of the accepted document types in luDocumentType lookup table. See luDocumentType lookup table. - Where the Synergetic ID of the community member would normally be, put the id or seq field of the Synergetic object you want to upload against. For example, the Subject Class id.
- At the end of the file, add another delimiter character. See Pattern configuration setting.
- Add the code of the module you want to upload into.
- For example, if the original filename was [CommunityID]!Assessment!Additional Assessments!Additional.doc and you wanted to upload it to the Subject Class that had an id of 47, the new filename would be 47!Assessment!Additional Assessments!Additional.doc!REPCLS.
Note: Module codes are listed in the table below. - Move the file to the appropriate document classification folder on the file server.
- Check that the file has been moved to the Processed folder once the upload is complete.
Uploadable modules
Module | Module code |
Key Maintenance | HUMKEY |
Item Maintenance | INVITEM |
Asset Register Maintenance | AST |
Events Maintenance | DEVEVT |
Communications Maintenance | DEVCOM |
Object Maintenance | OBJ |
Object Agreement Maintenance | OBJAGR |
Job Position Maintenance | HUMJOB |
Subject Assessment Area Maintenance | REPASS |
Class Maintenance | REPCLS |
Learning Area Maintenance | REPLA |
Course Maintenance | COR |
Materials Maintenance | REPMAT |
, multiple selections available,
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