Create New Past Student - Past Student Detail window

Create New Past Student - Past Student Detail window

Use the Create New Past Student - Past Student Detail window to enter enrolment details for a past student.

Create New Past Student - Past Student Detail window key fields and buttons




Peer Year

Year the student would have completed their final year of secondary schooling.

Date Left

Date the student left your organisation.

Last Campus

Campus the student attended during their last year.

Last Year Level

Year level the student attended during their last year.

Name at School

Name of the student used at your organisation.

Format should be Surname, Given 1 (Preferred).

For example, a female past student may have married and changed their name.

Government Student Number

Student number assigned to the student by the government. Type:

  • N if a new VSN (Victorian Student Number) is required
  • U if the student has a VSN but is unsure of the number
  • the VSN if known.

Note: Currently used in the State of Victoria, Australia. Also known as VSN.

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