Creating past students
Creating past students
You can:
- Create a new member of the community database and place them in the past student's constituency.
- Select a current member of the community database and make them a past student.
- Transfer current students to past students in bulk during the end of year roll over process. See Transferring current students to past students (Next Year Process) in the Current students manual.
To create a new past student in the community database, either:
- click on the Set Past Student Search Criteria window
- click on the Past Student Maintenance toolbar
- select File > New... from the main menu, when Past Student Maintenance is active
- right click on the Past Student Selector grid and select New...
Several data input windows follow, allowing you to navigate and if required. The windows depend on your selections on the first window.
See Past student creation windows if you need more information about what to enter when you are creating a new past student.
, multiple selections available,