Email Letter Template _Purchase Order Email Notification_ window

Use the Email Letter Template [Purchase Order Email Notification] window to specify what information is included in emailed purchase order notifications, and which staff member and email address the purchase order notification emails are sent from.

 Opening the Email Letter Template [Purchase Order Email Notification] window

To open the Email Letter Template (Purchase Order Email Notification) window:

  1. Select Module > System > Finance Configuration Maintenance from the main menu.
    The General tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.
  2. Click the Business Units tab.
    The Business Units tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also open the Business Units tab by selecting System > Business Unit Maintenance from the main menu.
  3. Click the Purchase Orders sub-tab.
    The Purchase Orders sub-tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.
  4. Click .
    The Email Letter Template [Purchase Order Email Notification] window is displayed.

Email Letter Template [Purchase Order Email Notification] window key fields and buttons




Merge Fields

Placeholders for purchase order information, such as order numbers, creditor addresses and order date.


Subject line of the email.

Msg Type

File format of the email:

  • Plain text
  • HTML raw (including tags)


Message body of the email.




View how the message appears.

Note: Preview is only available when the Message Type is set to HTML.

Convert text in the message body from HTML format to plain text.

Note: Strip HTML is only available when the Message Type is set to HTML.

Insert the selected Merge Field into the Message field at the current cursor position.

Copy the default template into the Message field.

Note: This overwrites anything you have already entered in the Message field.

Save changes and exit.

Exit without saving changes.