Synergetic Financial Configuration - PAYG Summaries tab

Synergetic Financial Configuration - PAYG Summaries tab

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PAYG summaries have been deprecated and are no longer submitted to the ATO.

Use the PAYG Summaries tab to maintain the details for the PAYG Summary forms that you provide to employees at the end of each financial year.

These were formerly called group certificates.

You need to define your group number, authorised person, contact, phone, fax and optional supplier reference before you can issue PAYG summaries. The group number is no longer used in Australia. It will be removed in a future version of Synergetic.

These details can also be maintained in Payroll Configuration Maintenance. See Maintaining payroll configuration in the Payroll manual.

 Opening the PAYG Summaries tab

To open the PAYG Summaries tab:

  1. Select Module > System > Finance Configuration Maintenance from the main menu.
    The General tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.
  2. Click the PAYG Summaries tab.
    The PAYG Summaries tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.

Synergetic Financial Configuration - PAYG Summaries tab key fields



Group Number

No longer used.

Authorised Person

Staff member authorised to appear on PAYG Summaries.


Staff member to contact regarding PAYG Summaries.


Phone number of the Contact.


Fax number of the Contact.

Supplier Reference

Reference number that can be quoted by the tax agency in the event of a query.


Determines the suffix on the PAYG Summary file generated for the tax department on the Create PAYG Payment Summaries.
See Preparing PAYG payment summaries in the Payroll manual.
Organisations with:

  • A single financial entity uses a value of 1.

  • Multiple financial entities may need to update this value to correspond to the file required. For example, a value of 2 generates a file name of EMPDUPE.A02.

Email From Address

Email address from which PAYG Summaries are sent.

Email Subject

Subject line for PAYG Summary notification emails.

Email Body

Email body for PAYG Summary notification emails.