Synergetic Financial Configuration - Creditors tab

Synergetic Financial Configuration - Creditors tab

Use the Creditors tab to configure the Creditors module including the:

  • control account
  • remittance advice details
  • default due dates.

 Opening the Creditors tab

To open the Creditors tab:

  1. Select Module > System > Finance Configuration Maintenance from the main menu.
    The General tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.
  2. Click the Creditors tab.
    The Creditors tab of the Synergetic Financial Configuration window is displayed.

Synergetic Financial Configuration - Creditors tab key fields and buttons




Creditor Control Account

This account is used for invoice charges and payments.
It therefore gives you the total outstanding payments to be made.

Debtor Integration Suspense Account

Invoices can be received from suppliers (creditors) which in turn need to be charged to parents' accounts (debtors). For example, invoices received on behalf of boarding students for items such as:

  • taxi trips
  • pharmacy charges.

    Specify the suspense account used when creating debtor charges. The suspense account is used as the default G/L Code when you click the on the G/L Allocations tab of Creditor Invoice Entry. See Creditor Invoice Entry - G/L Allocations tab in the Creditors manual.

    Note: Make sure that the suspense account used does not have fee codes linked to it in Debtor Fee Maintenance.

    This in turn restricts the fee codes available on the Create Debtor Charges window.

Debtor Integration Enabled

Select Debtor Integration Enabled to allow supplier charges to be charged to parents' accounts.
See Debtor Integration Suspense Account above.

Default Bank Account

Nominate a default bank account for creditor payments.

R/A Line Heading for Invoices/Credits

These are prefixes that are put at the start of a remittance advice.

Default Due Date for Postings

Default Due Date for Postings.

You can select:

  • Copy Previous Due Date to copy the due date from the previous Due later invoice
  • End of Current Month (based on invoice date)
  • End of Next Month (based on invoice date)
  • End of Current Month (based on posting date)
  • End of Next Month (based on posting date).

Due Date Override


  • Default Date Only - copy the due date from the previous Due Later invoice
  • Default Date or Creditor Terms - set the end of the current month or the end of the next month as the due date depending on the creditor terms
  • Default Date or Creditor Terms (Allow Override) - set the end of the current month or the end of the next month as the due date depending on the creditor terms and permit the due date to be overridden.

Create Detailed Control Journals for Postings

Normally creditor postings summarise all journals to a single entry against the creditor control account. That is, the field is cleared.
Select this field to create detailed control journals for postings.

Skip Invoice Description in Postings

Select this field if you do not normally require entry of a description for invoices.
If this field is selected, Synergetic does not allow you to tab into the Invoice Description field when posting.

Default to Paying Prompt Invoices by Cheque

This can be useful if you use EFT (electronic funds transfer).
It can be overridden at entry time.

Print 2nd Copy of Cheques to Plain Paper

You can print a second copy of cheques on plain paper.
Synergetic stops and lets you know when the copy is about to print so that you can remove cheque stationery and put plain paper in the printer. It always prints to the same laser printer tray.

ABN Supplied by Default When Creating New Creditor

Select to assume that the ABN is supplied by the supplier when creating new creditors. The ABN is required from suppliers to avoid paying withholding tax and is ordinarily quoted on the supplier's tax invoice, if they have an ABN.
Clear to always confirm the ABN when creating a new creditor. Penalties apply if withholding tax is not withheld from a supplier who does not provide an ABN.
See the Tax Withheld Control Account and Withholding Percentage fields on the General tab. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - General tab.

Automatically Mark Purchase Order Items as Received when Processing Invoice

Select if you do not manually receive orders before processing invoices using Purchase Order Maintenance.
Otherwise, invoices paid are never marked as received.
However, if you do receive manually, then you might like Synergetic to show all received but not paid invoices by default in invoice entry.

Default to Showing Purchase Orders which have been Received and not Paid When Processing Invoice

Select to display invoices that have been received but not paid, when processing invoices.
Any outstanding invoices received against purchase orders are displayed on the Purchase Orders tab of Creditor Invoice Entry.

See Creditor Invoice Entry - Purchase Orders tab in the Creditors manual.

Automatically Press OK Button After Copying Invoice Description When Processing Invoice

Select to speed up invoice entry. After copying the invoice description, the current invoice is finished and you are returned to the first screen for the next invoice.

Show "Account Credited" Line in Fax Notifications

Select to include the details of the account credited on the fax sent to creditors.

Sender Name

Sender name that appears in the recipient's email inbox when a remittance notification is sent a creditor.
In the following example, the sender name has been set to Accounts - Synergetic College and a remittance notification sent to them by email. This would appear in their inbox as shown below.

Sender Email Address

Email address that is being used when a remittance notification is sent to a creditor.
In the following example, the email address can be seen by the creditor when they open the email remittance advice.

Blind CC Email Address

Use the Blind CC Email Address field to keep a copy of EFT and email remittance advices. Email remittances do no go into your Sent Items folder as they are routed directly to your email SMTP relay server.
We suggest that you use:

  • a public folder
  • special inbox
  • email rule
  • for the blind carbon copy (BCC).




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