Creditor Invoice Entry - G_L Allocations tab

Creditor Invoice Entry - G_L Allocations tab

Use the G/L Allocations tab to:

  • allocate the invoice to a general ledger code and sub-allocation code
  • view the creditor's contact details
  • change the creditor, if required
  • add asset details if an asset is purchased
  • update stock levels for stock purchases.

If there is an outstanding amount to be allocated after each general ledger allocation, the G/L Allocations tab is redisplayed.
If purchase order lines remain to be selected, either click Back or select the Order Details tab. Select the purchase order lines and allocate them to the general ledger.
When the invoice has been fully allocated, the Creditor tab is displayed.

 Opening the G/L Allocations tab

To open the G/L Allocations tab:

  1. Either:
    • Select an existing creditor invoice posting. See Selecting existing creditor invoice postings.
    • Create a new creditor invoice posting. See Creating new creditor invoice postings.
    The Creditor tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  2. Enter the creditor name or ID number.
  3. Click .
    The Creditor Search window is displayed with a list of matching creditor records.
    Tip: If you are updating an existing creditor invoice posting, you need only click  to confirm using the creditor based on the ID displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate creditor record.
  5. Click .
    The Creditor tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  6. Click the G/L Allocations tab.
    The G/L Allocations tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.

Creditor Invoice Entry - G/L Allocations tab key fields and buttons




G/L Code

General ledger code.
Tip: If you frequently use the same general ledger code for a creditor, assign a Default GL Code. See Creditor Maintenance - Account tab.


Asset type code.
Note: The asset type code must be valid for the selected general ledger code. If an asset general ledger code is selected, Synergetic requests details of the asset before the general ledger allocation is accepted. One general ledger allocation is processed for each asset purchased.

G/L Sub-Alloc

General ledger sub-allocation code.


Amount to be allocated to this general ledger code.
Note: This is the amount of previously selected purchase order lines if selected using the Order Details tab.

Tax Code

Tax code that applies to the general ledger allocation.


Description of the asset.
Note: If the invoice includes a description of the asset, click Copy Invoice Description to add the invoice description to this field.

Order No

Manual order number.
Use if purchase orders are not integrated with Synergetic.




Add a new G/L allocation.

Delete the highlighted general ledger allocation.

Perform an action on the posting that this creditor invoice belongs to.

If there is a rounding error between the supplier's tax calculation and the Synergetic tax calculation, select Tax Adjust to post the rounding difference directly to the Tax On Expenses control account.
The button is only enabled if the:

  • supplier's invoice lines do not have tax included
  • total tax shown at the bottom of the supplier's invoice does not agree with the tax calculation performed by Synergetic.

Create debtor charges linked to the creditor invoice. For example, you may want to pass on fees from extracurricular activities run by your organisation.
See Adding new debtor charges postings (Next Year Process) in the Debtors manual.

Copies the asset description from the invoice.

Launch the General Ledger Maintenance window.

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