Creditor Invoice Entry - Invoice tab

Creditor Invoice Entry - Invoice tab

Use the Invoice tab to:

  • enter the details of the invoice received from the supplier
  • cancel cheques that have been previously processed
  • apply a credit note received from the supplier.

Payment details
The fields in the Payments area of the Invoice tab are only active:

  • if the invoice is Due Later or Cheque Written
  • for negative amounts, for example credit notes.

Payment details are not required for Prompt or Immediate payments because the due date is automatically set in the payment run.

Cancelling cheques and applying credit notes

You can cancel an existing cheque in Synergetic by:

  • entering a negative amount with a value equivalent to the cheque already paid
  • setting the mode to Cheque Written.

To apply a credit note received from a supplier:

  1. Select the Cheque Written invoice mode.
  2. Enter a negative amount equal to the credit note dollar amount.
  3. Enter the payment details, depending on the mode selected.
  4. Enter a transaction reference if required.
  5. Allocate the credit note:
    • to a clearing account if an invoice is to be reprocessed to allow a new cheque to be printed
    Note: The new invoice is also allocated to this clearing account.
    • to the general ledger accounts that were used on the original invoices paid by the cheque if the invoices should not have been posted in the first place.

 Opening the Invoice tab

To open the Invoice tab:

  1. Either:
    • Select an existing creditor invoice posting. See Selecting existing creditor invoice postings.
    • Create a new creditor invoice posting. See Creating new creditor invoice postings.
    The Creditor tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  2. Enter the creditor name or ID number.
  3. Click .
    The Creditor Search window is displayed with a list of matching creditor records.
    Tip: If you are updating an existing creditor invoice posting, you need only click  to confirm using the creditor based on the ID displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate creditor record.
  5. Click .
    The Invoice tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.

Creditor Invoice Entry - Invoice tab key fields

Note: Any changes in this area are saved in the creditor's master record.
Invoice Mode area fields



Invoice Mode

Status of the invoice payment, used to determine when the invoice is paid:




Invoice paid in the next cheque run.
To change from the prompt mode to another mode:

  1. Change this field.
  2. De-select the payment in payment selection. See Creditor Payment Selections - Bulk Selection tab.

    Note: You cannot change modes after the cheque run has been processed

Due Later

Due date is set to choose when to print a cheque for the invoice.
See Creditor Payment Selections - Bulk Selection tab.

Cheque Written

Cheque has been written and either:

  • sent to the creditor
  • paid upon delivery of the goods.

    Note: You can use this mode to cancel previous cheques by entering a negative amount.


Invoice paid immediately.

EFT Processed

EFT payment or deduction has been received.

A.B.N. Supplied

Select if the creditor has provided their ABN.


Creditor's Australian Business Number.


Two digit suffix for the creditor's ABN division if required.
Note: Large companies may have A.B.N. divisions for their subsidiaries. The majority of companies do not have A.B.N. divisions.

GST Registered

Select if the creditor is registered for GST.
Clear if creditor is not registered for GST. All general ledger journal entries are created as tax free.


The BSB number for the creditor's bank account.
Note: Any changes made to this field are saved permanently to the database. You must have Select and Update permissions in the CreditorInvoiceEntry | EditBankDetails security configuration to view or update this field. See Maintaining security permissions in the System maintenance manual.

Account Number

The account number for the creditor's bank account.
Note: Any changes made to this field are saved permanently to the database. You must have Select and Update permissions in the CreditorInvoiceEntry | EditBankDetails security configuration to view or update this field. See Maintaining security permissions in the System maintenance manual.

Invoice area fields



Payment Method

Default method of payment to the creditor. Values include:

Invoice Number and Date

Invoice number and date from the supplier's invoice. Defaults to the date of the posting.
Note: Synergetic displays a warning if you select a date that is after the posting date and more than 90 days after the current date. This warning is configurable in the File Configuration Maintenance window. See DateWarningDifference configuration setting in the Finance manual.


Dollar discount amount applied to the invoice.
Note: Some creditors offer discounts for prompt payment. Make sure you select the appropriate mode to take advantage of prompt payment discounts, for example select Immediate.


The net amount of the invoice after any discounts have been applied.
Note: The amount can be a negative value, if the supplier provides a credit note.

Prices Include Tax

Select if the invoice or order price includes GST.
Note: Clear the checkbox if the supplier prices the line items of their invoices exclusive of tax, with the total for GST added in at the bottom of the invoice.


Select a currency for the invoice.


If a foreign currency is selected, enter an exchange rate to override the global exchange rate.
Note: You must have Select and Update permissions in the CreditorInvoiceEntry | ExchangeRateOverride security permission to override the exchange rate. See Maintaining security permissions in the System maintenance manual.

Local Currency Amount

The invoice amount converted into your organisation's default currency by the exchange rate.


Description of the invoice. The invoice displays the invoice number followed by this description.
This field displays the default invoice description if one has been set. See Creditor Maintenance - Account tab. If you change the default invoice description, it will appear on the next invoice or if you reselect the supplier for the current invoice.
Note: If the Invoice Number field is blank, you must provide a description.

Payment area fields



Cheque Number and Cheque Date

If the mode is Cheque Written, complete the Cheque Number and Cheque Date fields are required.
Note: You can cancel a cheque in Synergetic by specifying a negative value in the Amount field and mode of Cheque Written.

Due Date

Due date for payment of the invoice.
If the mode is Due Later, you must enter a due date.
To change the default date that appears, see the Default Due Date for Postings field on the Synergetic Financial Configuration - Creditors tab in the System maintenance manual. The date can be the:

  • same date as the previous invoices entered
  • end of the next month following the invoice date
  • end of the month that the invoice is dated.

Refers to Transaction

Select a previous transaction that the current transaction refers to, if required.
For example, if a credit note is for a returned item you can select the past transaction that the item belongs to.
Note: If you do not have a reference for the credit note, type 0.




Add a bank fee to the cost of the invoice for processing currency conversions or bank cheques. The fee amount is added in the default currency.

Perform an action on the posting that this creditor invoice belongs to. See Creditor invoice posting actions for more details.

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