Creditor Invoice Entry - Order Details tab

Creditor Invoice Entry - Order Details tab

Use the Order Details tab to:

  • maintain line item details
  • select line items that are being paid by this invoice and are to be allocated to general ledger accounts
  • view a list of all detail lines that are yet to be selected and allocated to a general ledger account.

 Opening the Order Details tab

To open the Order Details tab:

  1. Open the Purchase Orders tab. See Creditor Invoice Entry - Purchase Orders tab.
    The Purchase Orders tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed. The Order Details tab appears on the right of the Purchase Orders tab.
  2. Click the Order Details tab.
    The Order Details tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.

Processing line items

To process line items on the Order Details tab, either:

  1. Click one of the Show selections.
    The line items are displayed for the selected purchase order.
  2. Modify each of the details of the line items, as required. See Receiving goods against a purchase order in the Purchase orders manual.
  3. Select line items to process. Either:
    • Select the Process field for each of the required line items.  

    • Click Select All to select all items shown for the purchase order.

    Note: We recommend you process order items with the same general ledger code at the same time. Order items are allocated to the general ledger account with the same description as the first item. If you process order items with different general ledger codes at the same time, all items will be allocated to the general ledger code of the first item.
    The selected line items are copied to the G/L Allocations tab. See Creditor Invoice Entry - G/L Allocations tab

Creditor Invoice Entry - Order Details tab key fields and buttons




Filter the search results to limit the number of purchase orders displayed.



Not allocated

Display only line items that have not been allocated for the selected purchase order.


Display only line items that have been allocated for the selected purchase order.


Display only line items that have been completed for the selected purchase order.

All this Order

Display all line items for the selected purchase order.

Items Received With Invoice

Whether or not the items are to be recorded as received when the invoice is processed.
For example, items may have already been recorded as received in Purchase Order Entry.

Grid area fields



Order No

Purchase order number for the selected purchase order.


Line number on the order of the stock item.


Status of the line item. Values include:

  • Pending
  • Filled.


Description of the item.

G/L Code

General ledger code.

G/L Sub

General ledger sub-allocation code.

Qty Ord

Quantity of the item ordered.

Ext Cost Ord

Extended cost of the goods ordered. This is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit cost ordered.

Tax Ord

GST included in the order cost.


Select to process the line item. See Processing line items above.

Item Code

Organisation's item code.

Supplier Item Code

Creditor's item code.

Tax Code

Tax code.


Origin of the items supplied.

Creditor ID

Creditor's Synergetic ID number.




Select all line items to process.

Updates the purchase order status to received. See Receiving items using the Order Details tab.

Perform an action on the posting that this creditor invoice belongs to. See Creditor invoice posting actions for more details.

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