Creating business unit receipts from Creditor Invoice Entry

Creating business unit receipts from Creditor Invoice Entry

You can create business unit receipts from the Creditor Invoice Entry window.

Note: Synergetic must be configured to create business unit receipts from the Creditor Invoice Entry window. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units - Inventory Control sub-tab in the Finance manual.

To create a business receipt:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Creditor Invoice Entry.
    The Select Creditor Invoice to Process window is displayed.
  2. Either:

    • Select an invoice to process
    • Click New Creditor Invoice Posting to create a new creditor invoice posting.

    The Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  3. Select a Creditor to create an invoice for.
    The Invoice tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  4. Type in the Invoice Number and the Amount.
  5. Type in any other required details. See Creditor Invoice Entry - Invoice tab.
  6. Select the G/L Allocations tab
    The G/L Allocations tab is displayed.
  7. Select the business unit to create the receipt for in the B/Unit Receipt drop-down list.
    The G/L Code, Tax Code and Amount are completed automatically.
  8. Type in a Description.
  9. Click the Purchase Orders tab.
    The Receive Item Stock window is displayed.
  10. Add items to the receipt by filling in the fields according to the table below.

    Note: The full amount allocated to the general ledger code must be accounted for in the receipt.

Receive Item Stock window key fields and buttons



Business Unit

The business unit that received the item.

Creditor Item Code

The code assigned to the item by the creditor.

Our Item Code

The code assigned to the item by your organisation.

Receipt Date

The date the item was received.


The quantity received of this item.

Extended Cost

Total cost of the items, including GST. For example, if you receive 10 items that were $50 each including GST, the Extended Cost is $500.

Note: If you complete the Unit Cost and Quantity fields, this field is automatically calculated.

Unit Cost

Individual cost of an item, excluding GST.

Note: If you complete the Extended Cost and Quantity fields, this field is automatically calculated.

Order Number

The number of the purchase order for this item.


The line number of this item in the purchase order.




Launch the Stock Item Search window to find the code your organisation uses for the item.

Add another item to the receipt.

Remove the highlighted item from the receipt.

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