Creditor Invoice Entry - Purchase Orders tab

Use the Purchase Orders tab to:

  • view outstanding orders for the selected creditor
  • record receipt of lines on a purchase order.

First, update the invoice details. See Creditor Invoice Entry - Invoice tab.
You can receive a purchase order through this tab or through the Details tab of Purchase Order Maintenance. The method you use depends on the procedures in place in your organisation.
Also see Purchase Order Maintenance - Details tab in the Purchase order manual.

Note: This tab is displayed only if the Purchase Order module is installed.

 Opening the Purchase Orders tab

To open the Purchase Orders tab:

  1. Either:
    • Select an existing creditor invoice posting. See Selecting existing creditor invoice postings.
    • Create a new creditor invoice posting. See Creating new creditor invoice postings.
    The Creditor tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  2. Enter the creditor name or ID number.
  3. Click .
    The Creditor Search window is displayed with a list of matching creditor records.
    Tip: If you are updating an existing creditor invoice posting, you need only click  to confirm using the creditor based on the ID displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate creditor record.
  5. Click .
    The Creditor tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.
  6. Click the Purchase Orders tab.
    The Purchase Orders tab of the Creditor Invoice Entry window is displayed.

Creditor Invoice Entry - Purchase Orders tab key fields and buttons

Find area fields



Creditor ID

Search by creditor's head office Synergetic ID number.

Note: If the creditor has multiple branches in Synergetic this ID may be different to the Creditor ID in the Grid area. See Creditor Maintenance - General tab.

Order Number

Search by purchase order number.


Filter the search results to limit the number of purchase orders displayed.

Selection and description


Rcvd only

 Display only purchase orders that have been received.

Not Paid

 Display only purchase orders not yet paid.


 Display all purchase orders.

Business Unit

Search by business unit or department that the purchase order is for.

Note: Click Refresh to display changes made by other business units.

Grid area fields



Order No

Purchase order number.

Order Date

Purchase order issue date.

Line 1 Description

First line of the purchase order description.

Creditor ID

Creditor's Synergetic ID number.
Note: This is the Synergetic ID number of the individual creditor. If the creditor has multiple branches in Synergetic this ID may differ from the Creditor ID in the Find area. See Creditor Maintenance - General tab.

Delivery Point

Delivery instructions for the purchase, if applicable.

Order Type

Type of purchase order.


Purchase order status.


Whether or not the purchase order was urgent.




Search for another creditor.
Type the new creditor details in the Find area.

Refreshes changes to orders for this creditor from another business unit.

Launch the Purchase Order Maintenance window. See Maintaining purchase orders in the Purchase orders manual.

Perform an action on the posting that this creditor invoice belongs to. See Creditor invoice posting actions.